Chapter 38

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Chapter 038

    Luo Qingli is very rich. The person she is looking for does not need to be rich, but has something that she does not have, such as a high degree of education, a job that is respected by everyone, and has a high social status.

    But Liang Wanqiu didn't expect that the Luo family had planned to arrange Luo Qingli's marriage so early on.

    And it was asking for fans' opinions, not Luo Qingli's.

    Fan favorite brother-in-law.

    Xiaohua fans in the circle also compare each other's brothers-in-law. There is a female celebrity who has a bad reputation and is ridiculed by everyone. Later, she finds a good man to marry, and she is whitewashed by marriage.

    Her fans were also elated, no one laughed at her dark history anymore, but said it was over.

    There is also Xiaohua who has a good reputation and gets married. She finds a man who is not very good. She is ridiculed by everyone, and her fans can't accept it.

    Xiaohua's traffic dropped, and no one asked her to film in movies anymore, so she faded out of the entertainment circle not long after, and finally quit the circle.

    It can be said that in this circle, everyone is very tolerant of male artists getting married and falling in love, but they are particularly harsh on female artists falling in love and getting married.

    Liang Wanqiu couldn't understand what Luo Qingli's team meant? Now that Luo Qingli is arranged for a blind date, even one wrong step can turn Luo Qingli from the first line to the eighteenth line.

    She debuted early, has a high degree of nationality, and has too many fans. It is actually a bit difficult to find a partner who is accepted by most fans.

    Liang Wanqiu thought about it, and it didn't seem too difficult. Looking at the background of the Luo family, he could certainly find such a man.

    It's just that the Luo family likes it, and so do her fans. Does she like it?

    She doesn't like it, she doesn't even want to go on a blind date or meet her.

    Such resistance has thorns in my heart, so how can I look at my blind date with a normal heart, let alone fall in love with this man.

    Liang Wanqiu flipped through the hot comments. Perhaps many people watched Luo Qingli grow up. In addition, for so many years, she was under the supervision of Luo Shuya. She didn't even have a friend, let alone a relationship, so everyone I learned that she might be looking for someone.

    The fans are very happy, and the older fans are the most excited. They all hope that the female goose can find a good man, just treat her well.

    The younger fans are also very happy, as long as my sister lives well.

    After that, I made suggestions, talking about my favorite brother-in-law.

    Education is the most important thing. The undergraduate should be from Qingbei, preferably a doctoral student. He should be handsome, tall and in good shape. The ideal height for fans is between 184 and 188, neither too fat nor too thin.

    Good health, polite, respectful, no bad habits, good family atmosphere, good relationship between parents, parents must be university professors.

    As for the man's occupation, the fans chose and chose several.

    Scientific researchers, university professors, doctors, military officers...

    have high social status and are respected and liked by everyone.

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