Chapter 83

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Chapter 083

    When Liang Wanqiu went to the crew the next day, she felt the enthusiasm of her colleagues was even hotter than this summer. They greeted her all the way to the shooting location.

    Liang Wanqiu laughed until her face froze.

    Going to her lounge, she tugged at her cheek.

    Outside, a girl called her: "Teacher Liang?"

    Liang Wanqiu turned her head, she was a young actor who had just joined the team today, and she didn't have many roles in this film, and the filming would be over in about three or four days.

    She really didn't want to laugh anymore, but if she didn't laugh, she looked cold and heartless again.

    Liang Wanqiu raised her hand, and said loudly: "May I ask you something?" The

    girl was a little nervous, one hand tugged at the hem of her skirt, twisted it several times, and the hem of the skirt was wrinkled.

    She just opened her mouth, a little embarrassed: "I just want to ask you, when will the new mobile phone be launched? How much will it cost? I can save money to buy it."

    She touched the back of her head, then looked down at the high heels she was wearing.

    Liang Wanqiu said softly: "It should be December, and I don't know the price. I'll ask at noon and see if there will be an answer? If they say so, can I tell you again?" The

    girl tapped hard head, she ran away.

    Liang Wanqiu was really afraid that she would fall.     After running for a few steps, the girl ran

    back again, holding the door panel with both hands, stretched her head and said, "Mr. Liang, thank you, I will be your fan from now on."

Faster than before.

    Liang Wanqiu smiled and shook her head.

    After going to change clothes, I started to change clothes, and then the shooting started.

    The scenes in the morning were filmed until after noon. Today, Bo Yanyan didn't come. When Liang Wanqiu got up, the little girl was still awake. Liang Wanqiu didn't wake her up, but wrote a note.

    At half past one, the crew's lunch box arrived.

    While sitting around eating box lunch with everyone, Liang Wanqiu brought her mobile phone over. There were a lot of missed calls, and there were also a lot of messages on WeChat. Even Sister Zhang called her a few times and sent a lot of messages.

    Liang Wanqiu frowned, read the news as quickly as possible, picked out the important ones to reply, put aside the less important ones, and planned to reply after eating.

    She thought of what the girl said in the morning and sent a message to Academician Su.

    "Academician Su, have you eaten your lunch?"

    Soon, I received a reply.

    "Miss Liang, Academician Su is playing with the children outside."

    Liang Wanqiu is also curious about the price of the new mobile phone, and many netizens are also curious. Her Weibo comments and private messages are full of people asking. Everyone is afraid that it will be too expensive. ,can not afford.

    Ordinary people still mostly earn ordinary wages and live ordinary lives.

    If a mobile phone costs tens of thousands and needs to be frugal, not everyone is willing to do so.

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