Chapter 111

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Chapter 111

    The two returned to Jincheng on the 28th.

    Father Lin drove to the airport to pick up Lin Su and Luo Qingli. He came here once, but Luo Qingli was not so reserved. After calling someone, he got into the car with Lin Su, and they sat in the back seat.

    After arriving home, Luo Qingli took out the gifts she had prepared. She bought tea for Papa Lin and a fur for Mama Lin.

    After receiving the presents, the family sat down and had a meal together.

    Jincheng does not eat dumplings during Chinese New Year, but locals prefer egg rolls and meatballs.

    Every year, Lin's mother and Lin's father will make a lot of egg rolls and meatballs. If they can't finish eating, they will put them in the refrigerator and give them to their grandparents when the family returns to the countryside on New Year's Day.

    This year was no exception. When Father Lin went to pick up people, Mother Lin went to a nearby vegetable market to buy the ingredients she needed and came back.

    Free-range eggs, fresh pork, chives, glutinous rice, and peppercorns.

    Mother Lin took out the eggs, gave Lin Su a ceramic basin, and gave her a pair of chopsticks, and asked her to beat the eggs in the basin, and then use the chopsticks to stir them evenly.

    Lin's father was washing shallots in the kitchen, and Lin's mother also gave him the pork, asking him to wash it, chop it up, and chop it into pork sauce.

    The rice cooker has just been plugged in and is cooking glutinous rice.

    Sitting at the dining table, Luo Qingli and Lin Su saw that Lin Su picked up an egg and knocked it on the edge of the table a few times. When the egg shell showed several cracks, she poured the egg into the ceramic basin and threw the egg shell on the black table next to it. in a plastic bag.

    Luo Qingli watched her finish cracking two eggs, she learned it, and became interested, when she was about to take the eggs.

    Mother Lin came over with a can of peppercorns: "Ali, you do this. If your hands feel numb, just put them down and shake your hands. You can finish grinding halfway."

    She turned the can of peppercorns upside down and showed Luo Qingli a demonstration.

    "On the other hand, you just need to twist the lid all the time, and it will be ground into powder."

    Mama Lin twisted a few times and gave the things to Luo Qingli.

    Luo Qingli took it, and seeing Lin's mother go to the kitchen to wash the vegetables, she hugged the pot and sat down beside Lin Su, and twisted it around a few times, she was really afraid that she would accidentally twist off the lid, and the pepper in it would be all gone. fell down.

    "It won't fall off, don't worry, just turn around." Lin Su tilted his head to look at her: "Is it fun?"

    Luo Qingli nodded, "It's fun." She looked in the direction of the kitchen, and Lin's father and Lin's mother were standing next to each other One squatting, talking in a low voice while washing vegetables.

    "Does your family celebrate New Year like this every year?" Luo Qingli was a little envious.

    There is usually no one in her family during the New Year. Her father has to work, and even if her mother is not working, she will keep herself busy.

    My aunt is married and has children, so she will go to spend the New Year with her family.

    She doesn't really want to go to her grandparents.

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