Chapter 86

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Chapter 086

    While everyone was drinking, Liang Wanqiu drew prizes for fans on Weibo.

    Knowing the price of the new mobile phone, and it will not be released until December, Liang Wanqiu told the fans to transfer the money directly to them, and they will save the money and go buy the mobile phone by themselves.

    Asking her to buy a mobile phone to send to fans, Liang Wanqiu found it very difficult. It was not known how much it would be produced when it first came out, and there must be a lot of people buying it, so she might not be able to snatch it.

    At the beginning of July, junior high schools all over the country began to have a holiday.

    Chen Sanshui was also on vacation, so she sent a message to Liang Wanqiu, saying that she would travel with her girlfriend for a month this summer vacation, and the first stop would be the imperial capital.

    Liang Wanqiu said hello to the director in advance. On the day Chen Sanshui came, she and the director took half a day off.

    The shooting ends at twelve o'clock, and I take my friends to dinner, and then play around.

    Chen Sanshui's girlfriend is Wen Tan, her father's surname is Wen, and her mother's surname is Qin. Both she and Chen Sanshui's university classmates graduated from normal universities.

    Later, they all went back to their respective cities to take the teaching qualification test and became teachers, which belonged to long-distance relationships.

    We seldom meet each other, and usually stay together during winter and summer vacations, and come out to play under the name of good friends.

    The parents on both sides didn't know that they were together, so Chen Sanshui and Wen Tan were both forced to go on blind dates by their families, and they didn't dare to tell their families, so they could only keep it a secret.

    We broke up several times and said that we should find a man to marry.

    In the end, there was still no score, so I persisted.

    On the 5th, Chen Sanshui and Wen Tan arrived at the imperial capital.

    Liang Wanqiu sent them the address of the crew and asked them to take a taxi.

    When they arrived at the set, it was ten o'clock in the morning, and Liang Wanqiu was still filming. Bo Yanyan went to pick them up outside the community, bought water for them, took them to the community, and sat down in his favorite small pavilion. .

    When Wen Qin met Bo Yanyan for the first time, his attitude was a little cold, and he nodded his head as a greeting.

    Bo Yanyan smiled at her, and pointed to the fruit placed on the stone table: "Sister, you eat, I will read a book."

    She lowered her head and continued to read.

    Chen Sanshui coaxed his girlfriend with a bunch of grapes: "Do you want to eat this?"

    Wen Qin shook his head.

    Chen Sanshui showed her the litchi again.

    Wen Tan said: "Get angry."

    Chen Sanshui took the watermelon: "Then eat this?"     Wen

    Tan's face was a little ugly: "I don't even want to eat it."

The bottle of water was bought by Bo Yanyan at the store outside the community, and each person bought a bottle of water.

    Chen Sanshui looked sad, she put down the box of cut watermelons, and saw that Wen Tan had already walked outside the small pavilion.

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