Chapter 10

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Chapter 010

    Luo Qingli quit Weibo, she checked the time, it was almost half past eight.

    Liang Wanqiu prepared all the dishes, and it was already 9:20, earlier than she expected. She brought all the dishes to the dining table outside, took the bowls, chopsticks and cups, and then asked The editor-director sister: "Where are the teachers?" The

    editor-director sister smiled wryly: "I haven't come back from buying drinks."

    Liang Wanqiu took out her apron and said, "I'll call them." The

    editor-director sister whispered: "Teacher Luo has gone, you Sit down and have a rest."

    Liang Wanqiu nodded and found a stool to sit down on. This body has not been worked on and lacks exercise. Liang Wanqiu only felt sore back, especially her two legs. When she squatted down, she felt very strenuous.

    After waiting for a while, I saw the four teachers came back, carrying a bottle of red wine, a bottle of milk, and a bottle of Coke. Coke and milk are brands endorsed by Cheng Yunan.

    After a few hypocritical and polite words, the five sat down to eat.

    This time, Luo Qingli took the initiative to sit next to Liang Wanqiu, and put a chicken wing in her bowl.

    At the dinner table, Qin Bing and Zhu Caiying were chatting all the time, Cheng Yunan was acquainted with each other and would come to work, chatting with them happily.

    Liang Wanqiu buried her head in the food, and after eating, she slowly drank a cup of hot water.

    Luo Qingli doesn't like to talk. Her popularity, background, and qualifications are here. Qin Bing and Zhu Caiying will take the initiative to talk to her. Occasionally, Luo Qingli will have a few words with Liang Wanqiu.

    A meal can be regarded as a happy meal.

    After eating, Qin Bing and Zhu Caiying chatted about the children at home.

    Cheng Yunan sat next to Zhu Caiying and said: "Mr. Zhu, seeing how happy your family is, I want to get married too, but I can't find a girlfriend."

    Zhu Caiying smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "I think Ali is quite suitable for you .” She glanced at Luo Qingli.

    Luo Qingli quickly said: "Not suitable, I am not the type that Teacher Cheng likes, and Teacher Cheng is not the type that I like either."

    In the same circle, no one knows about the private affairs.

    Luo Qingli felt that Cheng Yunan was dirty, besides, she found that she didn't seem to like men that much.

    Liang Wanqiu listened for a while, and saw that none of them wanted to clean up the dishes, and she was the only one here.

    She sighed in her heart, resigned to her fate, got up to pack the dishes, and went to the kitchen.

    Wash the dishes, wash the pot, clean the stove, mop the floor.

    When Liang Wanqiu was putting down the mop, Cheng Yunan suddenly appeared, Liang Wanqiu didn't react, and he snatched the mop.

    She looked at him puzzled.

    The man smiled faintly: "I'll do it."

    He took the mop and walked a few steps, then twisted his waist, and squeezed his shoulders again, looking very tired.

    Liang Wanqiu frowned, really didn't understand what he meant?

    She nodded to Cheng Yunan, turned around and left, Qin Bing and Zhu Caiying had already gone back to the bedroom, and Luo Qingli had also gone back.

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