Chapter 56

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Chapter 056

    Moreover, even if she wants to play role-playing, it's not her pretending to be a man. God knows how much homework she has done to look up information on the Internet in order to pretend to be a man.

    Bo Yanyan was looking at the chat records, scrolling all the way up, and saw the first chat between the two.

    Why did Liang Wanqiu do this? Bo Yanyan doesn't care, as long as the target is her.

    It's good that Liang Wanqiu admits it.

    After looking at the chat, Bo Yanyan went to look at Liang Wanqiu's small circle of friends again. Those contents were so embarrassing that Liang Wanqiu wanted to dig a hole again.

    "Sister, where did you find these words?" Bo Yanyan pointed to the latest copy.

    Engraving your name on the cigarette and inhaling it hard into the lungs means that I love you.

    Liang Wanqiu covered her face with both hands, she was shy, when she heard Bo Yanyan's words, she secretly opened her eyes, spread her ten fingers, and glanced through them.

    Seeing the copywriting of the Secondary School 2 and seeing the accompanying pictures, I always feel ashamed to face others.

    "It was sent to me by the Taobao seller." Liang Wanqiu also felt that she was a second-year student, but many people would like this. She looked at those men's Moments and posted some nonsense copywriting, and a lot of people praised it Talented.

    Bo Yanyan glanced at her, feeling very helpless.

    She was ashamed to read those copywriting every time.

    Ji Chang told her that it was the favorite content of the elderly and children.

    After reading the copy, Bo Yanyan pointed to the photos and asked her: "Are these pictures also bought?"

    Liang Wanqiu thought for a while and said, "I bought them, but the face is mine, so I put my own face on it "

    Bo Yanyan: "..." She stared at Liang Wanqiu several times, Liang Wanqiu put her hands on her cheeks, and smiled sweetly at her: "Does it look like that?"

    Bo Yanyan looked at the man in the photo again, except None of the facial features are missing, and I really can't see where they look like.

    Bo Yanyan shook her head and said, "It's not like that."

    Liang Wanqiu didn't think so either. She stood by and read each of Bo Yanyan's papers, and occasionally asked her a few words. She always felt that Bo Yanyan was publicly executing her.

    She felt that her skin was still too thin, she had to be thicker.

    Finally, Bo Yanyan finished watching and returned the phone to Liang Wanqiu.

    Liang Wanqiu took it, put down the phone, and flattered her: "Don't go to the police, I'm doing this for your own good."

    Bo Yanyan took her hand and said: "Well, I lied to my sister, who told her to always I don't admit it, if I didn't know it was you, I wouldn't chat."

    Her eyes became softer and softer, and she said to Liang Wanqiu seriously: "Sister, I can really take care of myself and you. Believe me, don't worry about me in the future."

    Liang Wanqiu was speechless, meeting such sincere and soft eyes.

    She lowered her head and looked at the hands they held together. Bo Yanyan's fingers were slender and slender. She was tall and thin, a little taller than her.

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