Chapter 39

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Chapter 039

    At seven o'clock in the evening, when Liang Wanqiu was watching TV with his parents, Luo Qingli sent a message.

    "They don't listen, I'm going back to my room."

    Liang Wanqiu sent back a message, and raised her phone towards her parents: "I'm going back to my room first."

    Bo Yanyan was upstairs reading a book.

    Liang Wanqiu went to her room. After closing the door, she sent a video call. After a while, Luo Qingli answered. She had a silly expression on her face. She stared at Liang Wanqiu for a while, and then turned her head to look at the dresser next to her. mirror.

    "You look good without makeup." Luo Qingli also looks good without makeup, but she seldom wears makeup, and she is used to makeup, and she can do it even at home.

    She had just removed her makeup, and she didn't know that Liang Wanqiu would make a video call to her. At this moment, it was too late to put on makeup.

    Liang Wanqiu smiled: "Everyone is beautiful, so stop complimenting each other."

    She asked: "What did your parents say?"

    "Nothing, they scolded me as soon as I opened my mouth." Luo Qingli deliberately Frowning, pointing at Liang Wanqiu, imitating the tone of his parents, he said with an expression, "What do you know? You know nothing! What we give you is the best. You should be grateful that your surname is Luo. If you are not our Daughter, you can't get anything now."

    Her eyes were sad: "Then I didn't want to hear it anymore, so I ran upstairs."

    Liang Wanqiu frowned, strong, stubborn, and self-righteous, and didn't like this daughter, so what? It's all arranged.

    She suddenly thought of a former classmate who was forced by her mother to marry after graduating from college. As long as she was a man, it was fine. If the classmate didn't want her, her mother would strangle her and finally strangled her to death.

    Although Luo Qingli's parents were not so extreme, it was impossible for them to think from the perspective of their daughter.

    "Then what do you do now?" You can't communicate, you can't change, you can only change yourself.

    Luo Qingli sighed: "It's good to go to the production team, they are both busy with work, and we won't see each other for several months after work." We

    can only do this first, and Liang Wanqiu can't think of any other way.

    "Let me play games with you." Liang Wanqiu said, "Let's find three more people in five rows. Passers-by hang up too frequently during the Chinese New Year. Let's find someone we know to play."

    Luo Qingli also needs to find something to divert his attention , she said yes.

    Liang Wanqiu logged into the game, looked at her friends, there were quite a few of them, former classmates, crew members, she got along pretty well with everyone on the set, especially in this show now, because she is the heroine, everyone loves her looking at her.

    Not being able to play together, Luo Qingli might not be able to accept it.

    Liang Wanqiu sent Luo Qingli a message, discussing who to pull.

    Luo Qingli said: "I have an assistant here, you can recruit two of them."

    "Then I will recruit my friend Chen Sanshui, and another friend is from the circle, the heroine of the previous drama."

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