Chapter 93

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Chapter 093

    The smile on the reporter's sister's face froze, oh my god, she actually asked such explosive news.

    Originally, she didn't intend to ask about the little girl's love life, after all, the little girl is still young.

    Unexpectedly, this little girl has no heart at all, she said it herself.

    He was still a kid, so honest.

    The barrage is full of question marks.

    What? The boss is only eighteen years old, and he actually has someone he likes!

    [Who is the rival in love? Come out quickly! Draw the knife! 】

    【Fuck, the boss actually has someone he likes, who is it? What a stinking man! ]

    [Boss, don't get too stuck on gender, consider my gentle and considerate sister, sister, I can really do it. ]

    [Wooooow, I just fell in love today, and I fell out of love on the same day, who is it? I'm at odds with you for the rest of my life. ]

    [Calm down everyone, the boss is talking about the person he likes, not the boyfriend, which means that they are not together yet. ]

    [Who is that man? Don't you even look down on this kind of big guy? ]

    Not only the reporter was stunned, but the audience in the live broadcast room were also stunned. The boss actually has someone he likes. Judging by her tone and expression, she must like that person very much.

    Liang Wanqiu's fans are also dumbfounded, my sister has someone she likes, does Xiaoqiu know? The little cabbage that I raised fell in love with someone else's pig, and the fans felt sorry for Liang Wanqiu.

    [Sister, don't like others, just focus on your career. ]

    [I fainted in the toilet in Autumn, the little cabbage I worked so hard to raise, alas. ]

    [I don't know what to say, but respect and blessing. ]

    [I hope that man likes his sister very much, too. 】

    【I think I like my sister. If I didn't like it, I wouldn't have given such an expensive jade gourd. 】

    [The old fan is weak, I suspect that this jade gourd was given by Xiaoqiu. In March, Xiaoqiu asked in Chaohua that a very important person was going to celebrate his birthday. He said it was a coming-of-age gift, what to give Good gift. 】

    Although Liang Wanqiu didn't say who this very important person was, when Chaohua's fans heard that it was a coming-of-age ceremony, they all guessed that it was Bo Yanyan.

    Many fans gave advice to Liang Wanqiu.

    The most talked about is to give jewelry, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, etc. Some say to give gems, and some say gold and platinum.

    Platinum and gold were both rejected by Liang Wanqiu, saying that young people seldom like gold, and generally older people like gold.

    Fans say to send platinum, but only gold can circulate in the market and keep its value forever.

    Liang Wanqiu felt that platinum was useless, it was not as good as gold.

    At first, Liang Wanqiu planned to give Bo Yanyan a one-jin gold ingot. It was tacky, but it was worth it.

    One day Bo Yanyan has no money to spend, and he can exchange gold ingots for money.

    It was a fan who mentioned, how about jade gourd?

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