Chapter 21

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Chapter 021

    On the 9th, Liang Wanqiu packed her luggage and flew to the film and television city.

    It was three o'clock in the afternoon when I arrived at the hotel arranged for her by the film crew. Her room was on the 18th floor, with one bedroom per person. This floor was occupied by female staff and actresses from the film crew. Lin Su was also on this floor. The hostess, her room is the best and the largest.

    The male staff and actor are downstairs. They live on the first floor, very close to each other, but they don't disturb each other.

    Liang Wanqiu asked about the hotel where Luo Qingli lived. The two hotels were a 20-minute drive away, but the two film crews were very close, right next door.

    At six o'clock in the evening, Liang Wanqiu called Luo Qingli.

    "Is the filming over yet? How about having a meal together?" There was no place to cook in her room, and the hotel also stipulated that she couldn't cook, so she could only eat outside.

    Luo Qingli had already finished filming for the day, and she was having her make-up removed, she said, "Okay."

    Beside, Luo Shuya was sitting on a brown bench, and she frowned.

    After Luo Qingli and Liang Wanqiu made an appointment at a restaurant, they decided to eat Cantonese cuisine.

    Luo Shuya walked over, and she looked down at Luo Qingli from a high position: "Whose phone number?"

    Luo Qingli was frightened, she was afraid of Luo Shuya, so she replied honestly: "Liang Wanqiu's, she's here today, tomorrow their crew Turn it on, I'll have dinner with her tonight."

    She tilted her head slightly, revealing a small and delicate chin, and her eyes were filled with anticipation: "Auntie, can I have dinner with her?"

    Luo Shuya frowned Wrinkled even tighter, she shouldn't have given her Liang Wanqiu's WeChat account. After such a big disaster, the two of them still chatted and had dinner together.

    Luo Shuya stared at Luo Qingli coldly for a few minutes, then she turned and left.

    After removing makeup, change clothes.

    Luo Qingli greeted her colleagues with a smile, and then left with her team. In the past, they would go straight back to the hotel after filming.

    But today I had dinner with Liang Wanqiu, so after getting in the car, Luo Qingli said: "Auntie, you go back first, Liang Wanqiu and I will come back after we have dinner, and she will take me back to the hotel." The

    driving assistant hesitated, looking Luo Shuya: "Sister, what do you think?"

    Luo Shuya agreed to this matter.

    Luo Shuya didn't even blink: "Go back to the hotel."

    Luo Qingli looked at her incredulously: "Aunt."

    She was anxious: "Just have a meal."

    Luo Shuya took out her phone and glanced at the time. He didn't look up at Luo Qingli, but looked down at the big screen of the phone, rubbing his left thumb on it.

    After a long while, she said, "Ali, do you know how scary the plastic sisterhood in this circle is? They treat you well on the surface, but secretly send out press releases to step on you, and can stab you twice at any time."

    "I never I don't let you get in touch with outsiders, it's for your own good, there are some things I can't prevent, so I have to prevent you from being in danger."

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