Chapter 97

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Chapter 097

    Liang Wanqiu was a little lucky that he entered the entertainment circle and filmed movies.

    If after the college entrance examination, like Chen Sanshui, he studied in a normal school, took the teaching qualification test, and returned to his hometown to be a teacher.

    Well, her current life is similar to that of Chen Sanshui.

    Young people and middle-aged people think differently, let alone the old people. The thoughts of three generations collide together.

    Can't understand each other, can't communicate.

    All are miserable.

    Liang Wanqiu finished reading the message from Liang's mother, and then read the message from Liang's father.

    Several of her aunts and aunts also sent her messages.

    As for the uncle's family, she didn't add any of them on WeChat, and they usually only contact her parents.

    Other relatives are also rarely contacted.

    Cousins, cousins, cousins, they are also lying together, have no common topics, and have never chatted.

    Liang Wanqiu looked at the time. At this point, Liang's mother should be asleep.

    She still sent a message.

    "Mom, my career is on the rise and I can't find a partner."

    "A bunch of female artists in our circle are not married at the age of 40, and they are all single." After thinking about it

    , she added: "Don't mention this matter in the future, man It’s unreliable, only work won’t betray you.”

    Who knows, Liang’s mother is still asleep: “You’re too extreme.”

    Liang’s mother is very loose on Liang Wanqiu, basically ignoring her, and it’s also because this daughter controls the family’s economic power , The second is that the daughter did not do anything that made them uncomfortable.

    For example, in terms of marriage, in Liang's mother's opinion, if her daughter wants to marry later, she will marry later, but she will still marry in the future.

    Mama Liang really thinks that men who engage in scientific research are good.

    Decent work, high social status.

    Even if she doesn't earn as much as her daughter, Liang Wanqiu can't compare to other invisible benefits.

    Moreover, the older the scientific research workers, the more popular they are. What about the entertainment industry?

    When a female artist gets older, it is difficult to get a role.

    Liang Wanqiu: "??? Mom, are you still awake?"

    Liang's mother: "I've been busy watching the live broadcast these two days."

    Liang's mother sent a few photos over.

    It was a child, only a few months old, chubby, with tender skin and bright eyes.

    Liang Wanqiu had a bad premonition in his heart.

    Mama Liang sent a few more photos.

    It was another child, several years old.

    This child, Liang Wanqiu knew, was her cousin's child.

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