Chapter 47

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Chapter 047

    [Lin Xiacan: It's late, go to bed early. ]

    [Xiaotao: But I can't sleep. ]

    [Lin Xiacan: Sleep if you can't sleep, count sheep with your eyes closed, and fall asleep after counting. ]

    [Lin Xiacan: I'm asleep, good night. 】

    Bo Yanyan: "???"

    Now you are playing the role of a pure and gentle overlord, and Bo Yanyan is speechless.

    After Liang Wanqiu sent the message, she continued to read the script.

    Knowing that Bo Yanyan had morning reading class at 6:30, Liang Wanqiu woke up at 5:00, and after she finished washing, the person who was going to school was still lying on the bed.

    Liang Wanqiu felt that she was not self-disciplined at all, how did she get the first place in the grade?

    She opened the door, and the bedroom was dark.

    Liang Wanqiu turned on the light, looked at the bulging ball on the bed, picked up the clothes on the side cabinet, threw them on the bed, and said with a cold face: "Get up quickly, wash up and have breakfast, I'll see you off." Go to school."

    Bo Yanyan turned over, pulled up the quilt again, and covered her little head that was exposed outside.

    Liang Wanqiu was furious, it was already six o'clock.

    She went over to lift the quilt, and a gust of cold wind poured in. Thin Yanyan shivered and opened her eyes in a daze.

    The glare of the light made her subconsciously reach out and cover her eyes.

    Liang Wanqiu turned off the light conveniently, picked up the clothes that had fallen on the quilt beside her, and threw them on her head: "Hurry up and change."

    "Sleepy." She didn't go to work so early.

    Today's students are really hard.

    Bo Yanyan yawned big, and groped for the school uniform with both hands. After touching it, she put it down and was about to take off the pajamas she was wearing.

    Thinking that she was naked inside, Bo Yanyan felt a little uncomfortable: "Sister, are you not going out? I have to change clothes."

    Liang Wanqiu blushed, turned around and left.

    After Bo Yanyan changed her clothes, Liang Wanqiu came in again. She went over and opened the curtains, and the bedroom suddenly became brighter.

    It's just that the weather today is not very good, it's foggy, it should be a cloudy day.

    Bo Yanyan's long hair was messy. She stepped on cotton slippers and went to the bathroom to wash up. After that, she came out and tied her hair with a rubber band.

    Liang Wanqiu waited for her to pack up and asked her to carry her schoolbag, while she went to get the car keys and mobile phone.

    "Let's go, have breakfast outside, I'll take you to school, come back for lunch at noon and afternoon?"

    Bo Yanyan shook her head: "Eat at school, I'll study by myself at half past nine, sister, you don't need to see me off from now on Don't pick me up, I'll take the bus by myself."

    Liang Wanqiu thought about it for a while, thinking that when she was in high school, she went to school alone every day, and after school, she would take the subway home with her classmates, which was how she was in junior high school.

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