Chapter 115

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Chapter 115

    After lunch, Mama Lin and Papa Lin went out to play.

    Luo Qingli went to bed late and woke up early, and was a little sleepy. After rinsing her mouth, she yawned a lot and shed tears.

    As for Lin Su, who got up too late, her spirits were high.

    "Go to sleep for a while." Seeing that Luo Qingli was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes, Lin Su felt a little distressed: "I'll show you the time, and I'll wake you up when it's time."

    Luo Qingli yawned again , a few drops of physiological tears flowed from the corners of the eyes, and the eye circles were red, looking very pitiful.

    She stood up: "Then I'm going to sleep."

    She walked towards the bedroom.

    Lin Su looked at her back, but saw her walking into her bedroom.

    Lin Su panicked: "Wrong way."

    Luo Qingli turned her head, seemingly puzzled: "Can't I go to sleep in your room? What about you? Do you want to sleep together?"

    Lin Su froze, she quickly said: "Okay, I'm not sleepy, so I won't sleep."

    Fireworks exploded in her mind, shaking her so much that she couldn't even think. Why did she go to sleep in her bedroom? Rounding up, did the two have slept together?

    Lin Su blushed. She touched her forehead and felt that she had a severe fever. She hurried over and entered the bedroom first.

    On the big bed, the bedding was messy and red, and there were a few dolls on the bed.

    Lin Su quickly knelt down on the bed, brought the dolls, put them on the table not far away, and put the pillows away. She grabbed the corner of the quilt and shook it hard a few times. The quilt seemed softer. , Lin Su made the bed and patted it.

    "Okay." She said, looking at Luo Qingli nervously.

    Luo Qingli closed the door, she walked over slowly, Lin Su had already turned on the small lamp by the bed, and ran to the window to draw the curtains.

    The bedroom became dark, leaving only a little light at the head of the bed.

    Lin Su was playing with a few strands of her hair, trying to ease her cramped mood.

    Luo Qingli had already sat down on the edge of the bed, she pressed it with her hands, the bed was very warm, and a few more quilts were placed on the mattress, which was very soft, as if she was trapped in a ball of soft cotton.

    Luo Qingli took off the coat she was wearing, and she wore a black tights with a round neck and long sleeves. The exposed neck and collarbone were white and delicate, and her slender hands looked even whiter.

    Lin Su's gaze stayed on Luo Qingli's collarbone for a few seconds, she lowered her head, swallowed, and looked at the pure white slippers on her feet.

    Luo Qingli had already taken off her shoes and climbed onto the bed.

    Lin Su went over to get her coat and hung it on a hanger beside her.

    She bowed her head again.

    Luo Qingli sat up on the bed, leaving a large space on the right side, she patted and asked, "Aren't you going to sleep for a while?"

    Her beautiful eyes were full of water, looking at Lin Su, it made people really feel Hard to say no.

    Lin Su's scalp was numb. She was curvy, and Luo Qingli was also curvy. They both knew that they and each other were curvy, and it would be very strange to sleep on the same bed.

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