Chapter 14

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Chapter 014

    When the netizens who scolded Liang Wanqiu learned that they scolded the wrong person, they might not necessarily apologize to Liang Wanqiu, but they would definitely vent their anger on Qin Bing, Cheng Yunan and Zhu Caiying.

    This is the last thing Qin Bing and Zhu Caiying want to see, because they are afraid that they will not be safe at the end of the festival.

    Sister Zhang also wants to understand this, and the program team also knows it.

    Liang Wanqiu is abolished.

    Sister Zhang knows this very well, so after weighing the pros and cons, she has to fight for the best interests of the other artists under her on this TV station.

    When Sister Zhang called Liang Wanqiu, she had already calmed down. It was both a comfort and a warning, telling Liang Wanqiu not to make trouble. It was useless for her to make trouble.

    Liang Wanqiu just felt powerless, she smiled, her peach blossom eyes were full of mockery: "I'm making trouble? Why are you making trouble? Are you incompetent and furious?"

    Sister Zhang was silent for a few seconds: "I'm sorry."

    Liang Wanqiu didn't say a word for a while Finally, she asked: "What conditions did the program group give you?"

    This sister Zhang didn't hide it from her, and she couldn't hide it. Phase 2."

    Lin Su really needs this variety show to be exposed and attract fans.

    Liang Wanqiu smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes: "It's good, if you trample me to death, everyone can get what they want."

    Sister Zhang paused and said, "Don't be too sad, sister will still I will continue to take on roles for you, you are still young, and you will have many opportunities in the future." After

    that, Sister Zhang couldn't go on, she knew better than anyone that Liang Wanqiu had no chance to make her mark in the entertainment industry.

    Even if a film crew asked her to make a movie, they would be crushed to death by Qin Bing and his team immediately. No one would be willing to offend a few big capitalists in the industry and invite Liang Wanqiu.

    Liang Wanqiu also thought of this.

    She hung up the phone.

    Liang Wanqiu threw the phone on the sofa, she sat on the floor for a while, she was thirsty, she went to the kitchen to pour some water, after drinking two glasses of water.

    Liang Wanqiu looked at the time, it was already half past twelve.

    She dare not read online comments. Many people, especially young people, watch this variety show on video sites after midnight. After waiting for two or three hours, when these people have finished watching the variety show, the Internet does not know how it will be fermented. .

    Several waves of fans will make trouble, in the hearts of Qin Bing, Zhu Caiying and Cheng Yunan fans, their favorite stars are working, but the program crew did not show them working, they will make trouble, and point the finger at Luo Qingli and Liang Wanqiu .

    As for Liang Wanqiu, she would be attacked by passers-by and fans even more, and she didn't even do any work.

    Several resident guests couldn't bear it, and they made no secret of their dislike for her when they were recording the show.

    This abacus, before the program group invited her, the group of them calculated it.

    Unfortunately, she didn't know.

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