Chapter 113

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Chapter 113

    Luo Qingli's message came back quickly: "Mr. Lin, I can't sleep."

    Lin Su, who had already been lying down, immediately sat upright on the edge of the bed, her thin back straightened.

    "Why can't I fall asleep? Do you want to turn off your phone and count sheep with your eyes closed?"

    "Or let me chat with you."

    "What's the reason why you can't sleep? Are you in a bad mood or too stressed?"

    "I see you at night I didn't eat much, are you hungry?"

    When Luo Qingli saw the few messages she received, she felt that she might have misunderstood it, and actually saw that Lin Su cared about her in these contents.

    If she didn't care, she wouldn't type so many words, but would return one indifferently.

    Luo Qingli: "I'm hungry."

    Lin Su put on her shoes, stood up with her mobile phone, and walked towards the door while typing: "What do you want to eat? I'll make it for you."

    Luo Qingli: "I brushed my teeth and took a shower. face."

    Lin Su: "Brush and wash again, not bad for the toothpaste and water."

    Luo Qingli: "I have skin care, skin care products are very expensive."

    Lin Su: "I'll buy them for you."

    She has He opened the bedroom door.

    Lin's mother just turned off the TV, she put down the remote control and saw Lin Su, she looked puzzled: "Didn't you sleep?"

    "Hungry." Lin Su said while rubbing his belly.

    Mother Lin hurriedly walked a few steps to her bedroom: "You solve it yourself, don't expect me to do it for you at this late hour." She yawned and went back to the bedroom.

    Hearing the sound of the door closing, Lin Su glanced at Luo Qingli's bedroom. The door was closed, and through the gap below, one could see the lights on inside.

    Lin Su didn't go to knock on the door, but looked at the chat records of the two of them to see if she was overly enthusiastic.

    Lin Su: "You are a guest, so I should treat you well."

    After thinking for a while, he added: "You are still my savior."

    Luo Qingli opened the door, Lin Su looked over, and met her smiling face. In the eyes, Luo Qingli raised her phone to Lin Su: "I want to eat chicken legs."

    Lin Su put the phone back in his pocket: "I'll order one for you."

    "I want to go out to eat." Luo Qingli said.

    Lin Su looked at the two people's clothes. The pajamas were thick and cute, and their long hair was loose.

    There is a small shop not far outside the community, which sells chicken legs, duck legs and chicken wings, which are grilled over charcoal fire.

    Lin Su nodded: "Then go get a down jacket and put it on, I'll take you outside to buy it."

    Luo Qingli turned around and went to get dressed.

    Lin Su also went back to her bedroom, took a long down jacket and put it on, and then, the two of them went out, changed their boots and went out.

    The weather was cold, and the two of them went downstairs, but they didn't see anyone. The neighborhood was deserted.

    On the street outside, there were pedestrians in twos and threes, most of the shops were closed, and there were not many people in the shops that were open, except for some restaurants.

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