Chapter 33

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Chapter 033

    Mother Liang was even more surprised than she: "You don't even know what her first name is?"

    Mother Liang shook her head: "Xiao Tao even showed me her student ID card and ID card, I even remember her birthday Now, on May 30th, when she turns eighteen, I plan to go to the Imperial Capital to celebrate her birthday."

    Liang Wanqiu stared blankly at her mother, her mind was blank, Xiao Tao is the heroine Bo Yanyan!

    When she first came through, she had decided to stay away from the Bo family. Even though she felt pitiful for the heroine in this book, she was not a savior, nor was she that great. No matter how sympathetic she was, she would not help her.

    Her own life is the most important thing, she has taken over someone else's body, so naturally she needs to take on other people's responsibilities.

    She also has parents.

    Liang Wanqiu never thought that Xiao Tao would be a thin smoke.

    Seeing her daughter's pale face and empty eyes, Liang's mother asked worriedly, "Are you feeling unwell? Xiaoqiu, what's wrong with you?"

    The grandmother next to her moved over, also worried: "What's wrong?"

    Liang Wanqiu looked at Mama Liang, and then at grandma. She curled her lips towards the two of them and forced a smile: "It's okay, I just miss you."

    Mama Liang patted her chest: "I'm scared to death, I thought you were sick, so I called my mother when I came back, and I’ll come pick you up.”

    Liang Wanqiu nodded and said, “Well, Mom, I’m going to hang up first, and I’m still filming.”

    She hung up the video call.

    Mama Liang put down her phone and murmured softly, "I always feel that she is weird, why is she unhappy?"

    Logically, she received Xiaotao, and Xiaotao did so well in the exam, so her daughter should be very happy.

    The two girls are very well-behaved, and they don't look like they would quarrel. Mother Liang couldn't figure it out, and finally thought that her daughter might be homesick.

    Outside, the director was calling Liang Wanqiu's name.

    Liang Wanqiu responded loudly, she slowed down for tens of seconds, her complexion looked better, there were still two scenes to be filmed, she had to get into the role as soon as possible, and she was not allowed to think about anything else.

    Liang Wanqiu came out of the dressing room holding her mobile phone, and a makeup artist came over to touch up her makeup immediately, and the director asked her to prepare quickly.

    After Liang's father finished the last dish, Liang's mother went upstairs to call Bo Yanyan. When she entered the room, Bo Yanyan was sitting by the window writing the test paper, sitting upright and upright, with her long hair tied into a Ponytail, wearing a set of light blue home clothes and a thin ginger yellow down jacket.

    Liang's mother nodded in satisfaction: "Xiaotao, it's time to eat."

    Bo Yanyan turned around and looked over, and said with a smile: "Auntie."

    She put down the pen in her hand, pressed the physics paper with the pencil case, and walked to Liang Mom's side.

    Mother Liang took her downstairs.

    The round mahogany dining table is already filled with six dishes, as well as drinks and milk. Grandma has already sat down, and Father Liang is setting the chopsticks.

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