Chapter 45

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Chapter 045

    Liang Wanqiu made a video call to Bo Yanyan.

    Someone over there answered quickly.

    Bo Yanyan is wearing a set of light blue pajamas, trousers and long sleeves. Her long black hair is tied behind her head with a hair tie, without bangs. She has a pure and beautiful face with fair and translucent skin. Under the bright light, there is a faint hint of tenderness.

    Liang Wanqiu glanced at her several times, then looked at the background behind Bo Yanyan, it was a small room, the decoration was rough, the walls were gray and uneven.

    Liang Wanqiu saw a small bed and a wooden cabinet with peeling paint. The bedding and pillows on the bed looked clean and tidy, and they looked brand new.

    Liang Wanqiu felt a little distressed, her own apartment had been vacant, and she was unwilling to let Bo Yanyan live in it, so she rented an apartment outside.

    What would a girl do if she met a bad guy?

    Bo Yanyan blinked her eyes, and smiled sweetly: "Sister, have you finished filming?"

    "Well," Liang Wanqiu looked away, looking at Bo Yanyan's pretty face: "Do you want to go to my sister's place?" Live?"

    Bo Yanyan shook her head, with a hint of fear in her almond eyes: "My sister's house is too big, and you're not at home, so I'm afraid by myself." Isn't a

    big house bad? Liang Wanqiu didn't expect that she would like small houses, could small houses give her a sense of security?

    Like herself, she likes a big house, the bigger the better, but it's tiring to do hygiene.

    Liang Wanqiu didn't force her, thinking that he had only been there for a month, and returned to the imperial capital in mid-March, took the little girl over, and lived with her for these few months.

    If she lives well, she will cook for the little girl when she has time, and let her eat better, so that she can score more points in the college entrance examination.

    Liang Wanqiu thought for a while and said, "Then you can come back after I return to the imperial capital."

    But Bo Yanyan said, "Can I go to my sister's place again in May?"

    Liang Wanqiu was curious: "Why?"

    Bo Yanyan didn't really want to say anything, but after Liang Wanqiu urged her again, she finally said, "I'm going to a classmate's house to give her tutoring in March and April, so I'm staying at her house."

    She quickly added: "Sister, it's a Female classmate, she has a boy she likes, don't worry, I don't like her, and she doesn't like me either."

    Liang Wanqiu was speechless, her focus was not here at all: "Then you don't study? Giving tutoring to others will affect What about your grades?"

    "The tutoring fee is very high, several hundred per hour." Bo Yanyan was distressed: "Give her tutoring for two months, and I can earn enough for college tuition and living expenses."

    Now Liang Wanqiu is not particularly rich, but she can be considered a little rich woman if she doesn't squander at will.

    Besides, she spends what she should spend, and never spends what she shouldn't.

    Liang Wanqiu is willing to give Bo Yan fireworks money.

    "You are not allowed to give her tuition. I will give you money. You study hard and really want to make money. I will talk about it after you take the college entrance examination."

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