Chapter 17

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Chapter 017

    Seeing that her face was pale, her normally ruddy lips were also pale without a trace of blood, Luo Shuya put down the script, she walked over, supported Luo Qingli's shoulder, and said worriedly: "Ali, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" "

    Luo Qingli suddenly raised her head, her beautiful eyes looked straight at Luo Shuya: "Why didn't you tell me? What did Liang Wanqiu do wrong? Why did you have to do this to her?"

    Walking here from the crew , arrived in a few minutes, but Luo Qingli walked for half an hour.

    She doesn't like to pay attention to these things, it doesn't mean she doesn't understand, she just thinks these things are boring, she might as well spend her time reading books or playing games, so that she can make herself happier.

    Luo Shuya knew that it would be impossible to keep her secret forever. There are a lot of people on the production team. Things started to ferment from last night until now. It can be said that most people on the Internet have eaten this melon. Luo Qingli was very happy to hear this on the production team. normal.

    Luo Shuya took a look at the scorching sun, took Luo Qingli's hand, pulled her into the nanny's car, and sat down on her shoulders.

    She was sitting opposite Luo Qingli, her face was still pale and pale, she had lost her soul, her beautiful eyes were dim and irrelevant, filled with horror and fear.

    Luo Shuya sighed: "It's the fault of Liang Wanqiu's popularity in those few days, so the program team focused on her, and those three families were scolded by netizens for several days. If they want to stop being scolded, they have to work on their own , or find someone to replace the dead ghost."

    "This circle has always been like this, the weak eat the strong, have no background, even a photographer can trample you to death, and can take advantage of you."

    Luo Qingli only felt a chill down her spine, and the chill radiated from her bones. It is obviously a hot May, and this year's summer is earlier and hotter than in previous years.

    But she felt very cold, very cold, that kind of cold came from the bottom of her heart.

    She suddenly stepped forward, grabbed Luo Shuya's wrist, her voice unconsciously became crying, and begged: "Auntie, can we help her? She is only twenty-three years old, this incident will destroy her, she How should I live this life?"

    Luo Qingli couldn't imagine, if this happened to her, would she be able to bear it? Liang Wanqiu is five years younger than her, she has only been out of school for less than a year, she has no team, and no one to comfort her.     Luo Shuya hated Luo Qingli's kindness, she pushed Luo Qingli's hand away, and said indifferently: "Ali, put away your sympathy, I know about this, but I just watched and let it go, I didn't die like the three of them Li stepped on Liang Wanqiu, I didn't do anything, you don't need to feel guilty."     "But you are on the sidelines, you are also the perpetrator." Luo Qingli raised her finger and pointed at her: "Why didn't you tell me?"     If she told her, she would They will tell Liang Wanqiu that the two of them can still discuss how to deal with it.     "Is it useful to tell you? A TV station, a lot of capital, what do you and Liang Wanqiu have to fight against?" Luo Shuya's attitude was still indifferent: "I didn't go up and step on Liang Wanqiu, because I was kind to her." Back then     everyone When they sat together to discuss this matter, Luo Shuya also agreed to participate, and she was also afraid that Luo Qingli would not perform well.     But during the recording of the show, Luo Qingli performed very well. Even though she can't cook, she can do other jobs.     After the show aired, Luo Qingli took the most shots and offended the fans of the three companies. She didn't let the team step on Liang Wanqiu, which aroused the dissatisfaction of the three companies. She was thinking about the remedy this morning, how to make amends to the capital behind the three companies Apologize.     "Ali, the capital in the circle is complex and powerful. We don't need to offend a group of people just because of Liang Wanqiu. This will affect your stardom and your future is bright. Liang Wanqiu is just a stranger who met you once."     Luo Qingli closed her eyes, bit her lips tightly, and said after a while, "Auntie, I want Liang Wanqiu's WeChat account."     Luo Shuya disagreed: "This is the end of the matter, Liang Wanqiu is already in this circle Did you know that she died in this society, she even died in this society? Cheng Yunan wants her to die."     Luo Qingli's lips moved, and she repeated: "I want Liang Wanqiu's WeChat."

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