Chapter 26

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Lance sat up in the dim lighting of his lamp. He turned to check the time.

"Only 2 am..." the cuban thought in disappointment.

Lance was always one to wake up early in the morning, but he never thought he could wake up before the sun even rose. His morning routine would usually be to brush his teeth and do his skincare, do yoga, eat breakfast, and tidy up the bed, followed by waking Keith out of his most appreciated slumber and tends to get cranky when tired.

He got up and headed out the bedroom in hopes that he wouldn't wake up his fiance (at least this time). Heading downstairs, he could hear coughing and wheezing. Lance froze in place and debated whether he wanted to face the man that made his life unhappy before Keith came along.

"Don't make me stop you from coming down here," the old man said.

Lance hesitantly stepped down. He saw his father on the couch, cuddled up in a blanket as he reached for his medication.

Reaching for the medication and handing it to his father, Lance received a thank you. He sat down on a chair next to Papá . There was a moment of silence before the two interrupted each other when they tried to speak.

"You go ahead," Papá insisted.

"No, you."

Papa sighed and stared at his medication. Then he shifted his eyes towards the pair of blue eyes that nearly mirrored his own.

"I know that...I haven't been the best father in your life-"

"You think?"

The father gives his son a glare before continuing.

"And I'm sorry for that. I shouldn't have been a better dad to you and Allura." Lance was going to be happy, throw away all the grudge and immediately forgive and forget. His father would always be his dad, afterall. He may had been a jackass but he was still acting the role pretty well. Lance thought that after hearing that, they could catch up, they could all finally become a family again and leave the long-term drama behind. His papá could learn to accept Keith and their marriage and learn to love Allura's life decisions as well.

Until the next sentence ripped the happiness right out of his heart.

"You guys wouldn't have ended up the way you did if only I had raised you properly."

There was a sudden void. Blackness swelled in Lance's consciousness. His breathing was ragged and he felt his chest being ready to burst. The brown skin grew hot and he began to sweat.

It was never going to be that easy, wasn't it? His father would never try to understand. It obviously wasn't like him to accept Lance. Or Allura.

Or anyone for that matter.

He's always going to be that cold blooded monster that tore the family apart.

And he didn't even acknowledge that fact?

"Are you.... fucking serious?"

Papa's face distorted in anger. "Do not talk to me like that."

"No, I sure as fucking will," Lance almost shouted. "You think it's your damn homophobic fault that we are the way we are? If you were around or even dead we would STILL be the way we are!"

He got up and approached his "dad." "I'll tell you exactly what is your fault! Because of you, Allura is afraid every second that everyone will eventually throw her away like you did! It's your fault that Mama can't call us often! It's your fault that I could never sing or love without fearing that you will ruin it all up! It is your fault that your ass is stuck on the couch while mom struggles to take care of you even though you've done nothing but hate, hate, hate until it scared everyone away! Don't you ever think about us? Do you ever care?!"

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