Chapter 28

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Lance's POV

"Was it a good idea to choose the black one? I don't know I'm starting to regret it!"

"Stop being a baby, little brother. You looked amazing when you put it on, remember? You even kept yelling, 'This is the one!' over and over until my ear drums shut off," Allura said in aggravation.

I stare into the long vertical mirror that hung before me. I love how I look, of course without a thought.

But would Keith love it?

I mean, he wasn't there when I chose my suit, same with me for when he chose his. He would never have to worry because he looks triple great in everything he wears! Yeah, my wording is off. But that's because I'm so nervous.

Thinking back however, I remember the first time we met. Thirteen-year-old me was staring out into the night sky, sitting on the curb. I was mad at my Papa for scolding me over getting ONE C in class. ONE.

Anyways, I made a wish on a star. I wished that my life would turn around for the better. It was dumb to be so old and still believe in wishes, but I wanted some sort of hope.

From anywhere and anyone.

The few seconds into my wish, I heard a loud "Watch out" coming from the side. And there he was. The pale idiot barely able to control his bike and practically made the bike fall, resulting in him falling on me. It hurt like crap, and sometimes I still resent him for it. Especially with what he said after.

"Ouch, you butt! Watch where you were going!"

"Don't call me a butt, you idiot! I have a name and it's Lance."

"Well maybe if you looked around and listened, Lance , you could've moved out of the way in time. And I also have a name dimwit! It's Keith!"

And we argued until it got dark enough for Shiro to come out and drag him home before we could get physical.

That didn't sound right.

Anyways, I didn't think I could ever love Keith. However, he was always so beautiful. So graceful when he isn't being a little grumpy bitch.

No, I don't think he's an actual bitch but sometimes he is. Nonetheless, Keith was somehow always there when I needed him. I even heard he tried to look for me after I left school.

Maybe he was just destined to be mine. I mean our relationship is very healthy. We hardly argue and we are able to jump hurdles a lot easier since my dad. We treat each other to dates every once in a while and...

I think Keith is having baby fever.

I'd notice the way he would stare at children during our dates. He'd make a sad expression unconsciously. Then he would smile at me as if nothing bothered him. I think that's what bothered me recently.

So, I found a job at a research center and started off my career as an astrologist. I want to be able to provide for Keith and give him whatever he wants, even if it's little feet running around. I think having a child would make us very happy. It's not like i didn't want any someday.

His happiness is my happiness afterall.

Keith's POV

"White can't possibly suit me! Ugh, I look like a snowball."

"Don't be ridiculous, you look awesome," Matt argued. "Agreed," Shiro stated.

I feel like they're lying to me. I look up in down at myself in the mirror and then stare at my stomach.

Holy shit.

"D-Did I gain weight, guys," I asked nervously.

There is silence. Oh my gosh, this is the worst day of my life. This was supposed to be a celebration of love, but how can I celebrate if I have a noticeably round tummy?

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