Chapter 9

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"Are you serious," Lance questioned.

He saw his crew sitting in a table closest to him. Pidge was eating a breakfast sandwich because she had every damn right to despite it being the evening. Hunk smiled with his BLT in hand. Keith just stared at him, and god he was gorgeous but not what's important right now.

"Keith told us where you work, so we decided to stop by," Hunk explained before taking another bite. Pidge nodded, food stuffed in their cheeks. That was gross. Lance sighed and sat on his stage. He noticed Keith didn't have food. "Why are you not eating, babe," Lance asked. Keith jolted a little and turned pink like strawberry milk. He looked into Lance's eyes. "Um, well, I was- you see- was kinda gonna-"

"Keith said he'll eat at your place," Pidge answered. Keith nodded his head rapidly. "If you don't mind," Keith added. Lance chuckled and pointed to the keys that were in Keith's hand. "Why wouldn't I let someone who has my extra apartment key eat dinner in my place?"

Pidge died right there. They covered their face and fell back into the chair, slowly sliding down it. Hunk rolled his eyes and took the last bite of his delicious BLT. "Pidge let's not-"

"YOU HAVE THE KEYS TO HIS PLACE," Pidgeotto squealed. Hunk sighed and kicked Pidge's leg from underneath the table. "Bro, this is cute and all, but I have a song to request," Hunk said softly. Lance smiled and did his famous hand comb to the back of his hair. "Uh, Bruno Mars Count on me please." Lance teared up, "Bro...thank you for choosing our song." Hunk did his most innocent and precious laugh as he watched Lance go up on his small stage.

"Alright folks," Lance happily exclaimed. There weren't many customers that day, however, it was a good amount for an audience. Many new and regular customers looked towards where Lance was standing. Lance hadn't had that many eyes on him since the Christmas concert.

Lance doesn't feel hurt about it anymore. He concluded that it wasn't his fault. The only regret is wanting to sing to Lotor one last time, but this was the fate decided for Lance. To move on, he needed to face it. He'll never forget the memories he shared with Lotor, but Keith is in his life now. Keith was not some replacement, but he had found love again as he let the regret from the death of Lotor release from his fingers.

"There is indeed a song request. If you know the song, please be free to sing along! You may also dance with a partner to make this more fun for both of us!"

Lance: If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,
I'll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see,
I'll be the light to guide you

Keith was his light in all of this. He'd do anything for the blue boy, Lance knew it. He didn't understand why though. It's not like Keith had feelings for him..right? They may have kissed, but what if Keith only did it in the heat of the moment? No, he held Lance's hand as well. But that was only for emotional support?? He noted to ask Keith later, praying it doesn't make their relationship awkward.

Lance: Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need

Lance & Customers: You can count on me like 1, 2, 3
I'll be there~
And I know I can count on you like 4, 3, 2
You'll be there~
cus that's what friends are supposed to do ah yeah

Lance saw Keith giggle at the ooo part. Keith's gorgeous smile made his heart stop completely like he was some sort of goddess. Maybe he really was in a way. Keith was a savior that Lance had been praying for this whole time.

Keith's hand was grabbed by Lance and dragged on stage. He could see Pidge take out her phone, possibly taking infinite pictures and videos. "No way out of this now", Keith thought. He swished with Lance as the music rung softly in his ears. This was something Lance and Keith really needed now: to enjoy each other's company. 

Count on me- Bruno Mars


Keith set his duffel bag full of clothes and textbooks on Lance's counter. "Sharpshooter," Keith called. Lance hummed in reply as he struggled to take off his Vans. Why are Vans always hard to take off?

"It is October," Keith said. "Uh huh," Lance answered. "The 23rd," Keith continued. Lance finally got his Vans off his feet and jumped into the couch, turning on the TV.

"Yep," Lance answered again. "My birthday," Keith finished. Lance continued searching through channels, not processing what Keith told him. "Oh great- wait, what!"

Keith snickered as he took off his shoes at the door. Once he got them off, he went straight into Lance's room and closed the door. He could hear Lance rush behind him, but he decided to punish him a little for forgetting. He locked the door and laid on the bed.

He heard knocking and a sigh of guilt from beyond the door. "Keith, buddy, my man," Lance apologetically said.

Keith heard a small thump on the door, assuming the cause was Lance's forehead. Lance slid down and sat on the floor, based on the sounds being heard. Keith found a portable compact disc player under Lance's pillow.

"Haven't seen these in ages," Keith thought. He grabbed one of Lance's albums and put it in. "I love Fall Out Boy." He put on the headphones and pressed play. Lance whined loudly from behind the door. "Keithhhh I'm sooorryyyy, open the doooor."

Keith turned the music up and danced on the bed.

Keith: She wants to dance like Uma Thurman
Bury me 'til I confess
She wants to dance like Uma Thurman
And I can't get ya outta my head

Lance squealed, "Oh god you're listening to my albums without my permission! Keiiiith, open the door!"

Lance turned the knob. Oh, it wasn't even locked. Keith made it sound like he locked it. That nice ass- He means asshole, that asshole. Lance rushed to Keith as he was jumping on the bed.

The tan Latino was not having it today. He grabbed that bouncy boy by his legs and picked him up. Keith squealed and tried to not fall off the angry boy. Lance put him down on the ground.

"No one ever listens to Uma Thurman without me got it," Lance declares. Keith laughed until his stomach began to hurt. He didn't remember having this much fun before. He could sprout his fun side without others being uncomfortable around him. This was nice.

"Anyways," Lance began. "Happy Birthday, that explained why you guys went out to my work, huh?" Keith laid on the floor, arms and feet all spread out. "Well, aren't you slow. If you're really sorry you would take me out on a date."

Lance's heart stopped. He gazed into Keith's eyes. Once the lilac eyes met the blue, Keith realized what he said. He stuttered, "W-well if you don't want to it's fine," Keith stuttered. Lance shook his head quickly with a strawberry face and answered, "I'd gladly take you. When and where?"

Keith pondered it for about 5 minutes. He grabbed his phone and typed away. After a few more minutes passed by, he showed his phone.

"I want to go here," Red concluded. Lance looked at the phone and smirked. "Alright babe," Blue answered. They spent the rest of the night watching horror movies, Lance being terrified and Keith analyzing the plot. Maybe horror isn't the best genre for this couple. 

Uma Thurman- Fall Out Boy

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