Extra Chapter: Allura's Story Arc

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This is an extra chapter to the story in Allura's perspective. I cried a bit while I wrote her arc. It was pretty emotional that it took me a while to finish this almost 2000 word chapter. I really hope you enjoy and can't wait to see you in the next chapter :) 

Allura's Pov

I took careful steps down the airplane stairs, hearing the muffled noises of civilians holding conversations. The sound of people stepping followed by the irritating deep tone of rolling from suitcase wheels. Too much noise for this loud migraine that keeps my thin white eyebrows from knotting together. This arrival couldn't get any worse.

Sitting in the taxi vehicle, I gaze out of the window. The sun was rising midway, light blue elevating the skies and white cirrus clouds placed here and there. The sky was so different from England, so much more sunshine and less rain. It made light of my heart, the warmth accumulating it with passion and protection. I see why my family loves living here.

I wish they told me that they lived here.

They don't know that I finished medical school. I couldn't get any contact with them thanks to papa changing the number. He must be very disappointed in me. I wonder if he'll greet me in open arms once I get there...

No. Let's not think about that right now.

I shift my attention to the people around me once we got into the city. I notice art covering the walls. Many were about black power, minority power, music. There was an almost nude man painting a rainbow on a white small building. The white letters read as "PRIDE". A smile appeared on my face at the sight. This indeed was a beautiful place to belong.

Is this the American dream that everyone at home had hoped for? Who knows.

About 10 years ago, I identified myself as polyamorous. If everyone consented, I didn't mind being with other people while my lover does the same. There were times when I was in a relationship and I was given consent to be with other people. These relationships never lasted long. The person that gave me consent would confess that they didn't like "sharing" and cut me off. In result, I hadn't been in a relationship for years. My classmates would tell me that it makes me a slut or some cheater. If it consents then I'm not a cheater, right? I certainly do not whore around. They could never understand me. No one had.

Ugh, malicious mind quit pestering me.

Once I arrive at the address noted on my phone, I step out of the taxi with my very few bags. Anxiety began to swell once the said car drove away. 

I-is it too late to call it back?

I turn around and realized it turned the corner already. The noise became louder than the airport. The beating of my heart hit my eardrums and went straight for my migraine. Quiznak, that hurts.

In front of me was a medium, clean, orange house. It looked to be about 3 stories, basement included. What amazing benefits my papa received for working with the U.S army as a doctor all these years, am I right? However, I wish he didn't force this career on everyone. I sure hope he didn't put it on my little brother, Lance, as well.

I recalled a memory of the time Lance had found a cocoon on a tree. He plucked it out to show me as I was doing my house chores. Hearing his small pitter-pattering, I turned around to see what my hermanito had for me today. His tiny figure jumped up and down in joy, squeaking native tongue about how he caught something amazing.

"Can you show me what you have," I asked. He lifted his hands to my face as high as he could reach.

"it's a...a..," Lance tried to say the right word. I corrected him.

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