Chapter 18

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Sooo...took me about 6 hours to get this chapter done. This will probably be quite a long read. I hope it's good enough. I am having trouble on Archive, it deleted all of my chapters and will not let me publish so they will get their update later. I'm so sorry about that guys. I tried for 2 hours, it will not work for some reason. Hopefully, it'll work tomorrow. Please enjoy, spread around with friends. Vote, Follow, comment, Save to your library to get updates immediately! Thanks for reading!

That morning, Lance woke up hyperventilating.

They got back home last night from the trip. The aching butts from sitting in the RV for hours. The lack of sleep he endured because of how anxious Lance was and it even bothered Keith to an extent. Keith couldn't blame him for his long-term panic.

Today was the day, after all.




This was the round that he would end up meeting the other contestants. And, God, was he so antisocial. He wasn't ready for the massive amount of jealousy and the tower of self-esteem that will be bull-dozed down this day.

He didn't feel ready.

Keith got up first to make breakfast this time, knowing Lance was fixated on the barrier of two results that may happen:

1. They lose, and he gives up singing completely or

2. They win, and his dad will really be proud of him for once

He thought about him. His dad. It had been a while, years he might say. Lance didn't live far from his family, yet he pretended he did. The things his father did, making him not ever mention or see his sister again. Being kicked out after the death of his first and former love in his life. He felt like all his father wanted was just to benefit.

But what about Lance?

No one asked what he wanted.

Keith did, that's why he's here anyway. Why he hasn't grabbed that razor in ages. Keith didn't mind hearing about how Lotor was.

Strong, compassionate, someone meant to love and be loved. He was selfless and saw the best in Lance.

Keith was that too, and that kept Lance wanting to strive each day.

Keith. The name of his lover escaped his lips oh so quietly. He was perfect; from every frolic of hair to his cute pale feet.

The Cuban rose up slowly from the bed, realizing that his hyperventilating had come to an end. He lifted the covers slowly and moved his legs off the bed carefully. Rising from the bed, he made his way to the kitchen.

There stood Keith with Lance's blue shirt, making pancakes and humming the song they chose for today's last round. The top had fit Lance very well but was oversized on Keith. The top was down to Keith's knees. The food and he looked both delicious.

He cooked again, Lance thought. That lover boy...if only he could do it forever. This morning routine, his smile, his touch...

Lance groaned, trying to calm the uncomfortable tree in his pants. He went to take a shower, got dressed, and went into the Kitchen.

Keith must've heard Lance's footsteps because after the first step into the kitchen he said, "Good morning, my love." He turned around with two plates of pancakes.

The Korean walked cautiously to the table so he wouldn't drop the food. Once he set it down onto the table, he gave Lance a soft kiss on his forehead. Lance whined and pulled his small boyfriend closer, contacting their lips.

Your Song (Klance Chorus AU)- completedWhere stories live. Discover now