Chapter 24

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The parents are now into the scene! Just writing this made me quite angry, but I'm glad I was able to deliver a new chapter this week! Please enjoy, I'll see everyone next week. Also my spanish speaking readers, if there is an error, please comment the correction. Thank you!
Warning: There is an offensive homophobic word used.

Keith glanced towards his fiance periodically as he drove in the expressway. Lance was staring out into the window while the "love trio" was sleeping soundly in the back. Shiro was in the middle with his head tilted back, Matt and Allura each took a shoulder to make their pillow. Snoring was booming throughout the car from the three. The radio played the soft tune of Kehlani’s “Advice.”

“I wish those three would shut up, Kehlani doesn’t deserve this,” Lance grumbled. The gay driver smiled at his fiance and put his eyes back on the road. Keith turned on his blinkers before moving to the far right lane. Once the song ended, the Cuban boy changed the song from his phone. He played Beyonce and Ed Sheeran’s “Perfect.” Lance turned the radio up, hoping to drown out the horrendous snoring from the back. He looked back out the window.

“Do you think my papá would want to see me?”

There was a long few seconds of silence. “I don’t know, hubby. I think you showing up at a time like this would make him happy. I’m not really experienced when it comes to family stuff, but I know he should always love his son.”

Should, huh?” 

Lance fiddled with his fingers, taking a deep breath. He loved his dad, always did. But, is it only one sided? They did argue a lot when he lived with his parents. However, there was a lot of good moments with his father as well. There was this one time when the two went fishing. Lance was losing patience and repeatedly pulled up the hook, only to find nothing holding on.

He’d groan and get frustrated. His father laughed and told his son, 

“The fish is like the things you love and want. If you rush to get them, you’ll only receive nothing. However…”

Lance’s papa helped his son reel the hook in once there was a pull. “With the right timing…”

A bass was caught on the hook, hanging as water dripped from it’s scales.

“You’ll get exactly what you need.”




The truck pulled into the driveway. The neighborhood was in the decent suburbs, each house looking similar to the next with clean streets and kids playing basketball in the driveway nextdoor. 

Lance put the car in park and turned to Allura. She looked at him in confusion as she unbuckled her seatbelt. 

“Sis, we’re leaving everyone in the car. I think it’s best if we go in first,” he explained.

She nodded her head and jumped out of the car. The siblings shivered simultaneously from the cold. They approached the door, holding hands in comfort as Allura rung the doorbell. Footsteps were heard and the door opened. 

There stood a lady with long curly hair that was tied to the back. She wore a brown floral dress and pearl earrings. The old woman looked up at the two, forming a large smile. She pulled the duo into a tight hug. 

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