Q&A to better understand the story and it's origins!

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Where does this story take place?

Well, I decided to just choose Atlanta, Georgia since I live 20 minutes from there lol.

How old are everyone?

Lance, Keith, and Hunk are 20

Pidge is 17

Shiro, Matt and Allura are in the late twenties (you can pick the number)

Coran is our old gorgeous man, his age shouldn't matter

How did Keith and Shiro meet?

Shiro's parents took in Keith as their foster child so Shiro wasn't lonely at home and could have the experience of being a brother. It was hard for Keith to warm up to the family until Shiro bought Keith a stuffed hippo and called him his family. He ended up crying and still have his hippo to this day.

Does Lance have any connection with his family?

Sadly no, but he does call his mom every once in a while. His dad is still being aggressive about Lance being bisexual and not pursuing the medical career, so he can't go home. Allura had not told the family about her boyfriends...yet.

What are all their majors/careers?

Lance does not have a major, but just goes to college for core classes. He is still struggling with his inner self on whether to follow his father's dream as a doctor or to follow his own dream.

Hunk is also there for just core classes, but he is considering becoming a high quality chef.

Pidge is a senior in high-school.

Keith is an art major. He does musical theatre and visual arts.

Allura is a doctor who had fallen victim to her dad's wishes and expectations.

Shiro is an astronomy teacher.

Matt is a programmer.

Coran is actually Allura's manager.

Does Pidge and Hunk still play instruments?

Heck yes. Pidge is still in band. Hunk and they do gigs every once in a while. Since Pidge is one smart cookie, who needs time to study? (Unfortunately I do. I may be a science prodigy, but I still gotta study for the other subjects.)

What conflicts will our characters face in the future chapters?

Family issues and man vs self device, mainly? An antagonist will also come into play.

How did Allura find Lance so easily?

Their family lives in Georgia, so they would run into each other pretty easily. Atlanta may be a large city, but you still see the same people every day somehow. It's kinda creepy?

How did I come up with a music AU like this one?

Well, I used to be in chorus all middle school and me and Lance went through some similar stuff. Other than the lover dying and being kicked out of my home, though. Actually, my mom and my sisters would move out and away from our dad frequently and stay in an apartment somewhere or just live in the car. There were also times when I stayed with my cousins for a couple of months. During these hardships I wrote a lot of songs in a journal (packed away somewhere) and made a story out of it. For example, there was a song about never meeting my older brother because he had died before I was born. Allura n Lance met but Lance could remember almost nothing about his older sister. Or the song about wanting to have someone to just be here for me (i didn't have any real friends) and I made that into the form of Keith. Just a lot of connections and stuff lol.

Have questions? Please ask away in the comment section and I will be sure to answer. Thank you!

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