Chapter 22

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My spanish speakers, there is spanish in this chapter. If you see an error, please don't be afraid to correct me in the comments. I'll fix it right away. I studied spanish for 5 years, but I wouldn't call myself fluent, so any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

There was a pause of silence. A painful few seconds of absolutely nothing but the strong winter winds hitting their window in the living room. The two were too scared to say anything in worries they may add fuel to the fire. 

“You don’t need to meet them. They don’t even want to see me-”

“You don’t know that, honey.”

“Of course I do,” Lance yells, slamming a fist onto the table. The smaller boy flinches at the noise and shakes in fear. Lance snaps out of his fit, noticing Keith's tense shoulders. He sighed as he gently pushed Keith off his lap and stood up from the seat. Grabbing a coat and keys, he heads out the door. “I’ll see you at dinner.”

The small boy tried to say “I love you,” but the door was already closed shut. He stands there, staring at the door for pause longer before throwing out the barely eaten breakfast and placing the dishes into the sink.

“This has happened before” Keith thinks to himself. “He’ll calm down at work, I’ll apologize when he comes home, and maybe we can actually talk about it when he is ready.” He is not actually sure if that is true. It’s only a coping mechanism when his fiance gets mad. 




The day goes by painfully slow until dinner time. Keith checked the time on his phone for the nth time today, mentally rushing the time to have Lance come home. 


An hour goes by, and there had been no calls or texts from Lance. After pacing around the apartment for some time, Keith stopped himself and stared at the door. He kept everything off except for the light in the living room and the ringtone of his phone. The poor boy was worried that he’ll miss the sound of keys jingling at the entrance or a buzz text from his fiance. The silence was nerve wracking. One second more, Keith was going to have a mental break down. 

A storm was coming in, blast of thunder and strong winds was heard from inside. The small fiance then stares out of the window. It had gotten dark outside, he could hardly see the moon that peeked behind the clouds. 

His breathing became shallow, clutching his chest. Where was Lance? Why hadn’t he come home?

Was he that angry with him?

“Does he not want to marry me anymore?”




Lance was working overtime for an extra hour. He begged his manager to let him go home due to personal reasons, but that asshole said he was needed to guide a group of Middle School students for one more showing. The 7th graders were as unenthusiastic about it as much as he was. They were able to connect well in that way. His group was surprisingly well behaved, he wondered why. That was until the teacher told the kids to “shut the hell up,” and there was not another peep. Who knew teachers could be so scary?

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