Chapter 10

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Their first date together finally began. Keith and Lance were both working a cold sweat, worrying a bit too much about how this date will go. They had been out together before, but only as friends. Lance looks at Keith's amazing outfit that just flaunts his beauty more than usual.

The shorter man had his hair in two French braids to the end. He wore a blue NASA shirt with shorts that stopped right below his butt cheeks. His shoes were black converse.

What made Lance have the worse self-control was HIS KNEEHIGH SOCKS. Keith already had great legs and it's not like Lance had a fetish for legs, but Keith's legs were so darn attractive in the socks. He just wants to spread them-

"Uh, is my outfit weird," Keith nervously asked, looking at his fingers as he played with them. Lance took in a short breath and looked opposite from where Keith stood.

"No, it looks really...really...great. Not trying to sound like a creep or anything," Lance tried to save himself from what he just said, stammering. Keith giggled and stood in front of Lance.

"Look me in the eyes when you talk. Haven't you been on a date before?"

Lance had been, but it's been years. His heart had solely belonged to Lotor then. He recalls going on a carnival date with him. That's when he got Lance a goldfish he had won. That goldfish was LJ, Lotor junior. LJ died 2 weeks after Lotor did. Funny how the events lined up during that terrible month of December.

"Haven't been in a long while," Lance quietly answered. Keith noticed Lance had been thinking about Lotor. Keith didn't understand what losing a lover was like, but he understood what losing a loved one was like. Samurai put out his hand for Lance. "Well, I'm here. Let's have fun." Lance was astonished.

"Yes, my darling," Lance snickered as he grabbed onto Keith's hand. Keith pouted for a second but started laughing afterwards. This was going to be a great time.

Their fingers remained laced the whole date.

After leaving the planetarium, it was dark outside. The stars shown brightly in the sky. "I never knew astronomy was so interesting," Lance whispered. Keith sat on a nearby brick wall, still holding Lance's hand.

"Yea, mom used to teach me about stars all the time," Keith explained. They stayed silent for the next 5 minutes, until Lance noticed something. He pointed towards a constellation in the sky. "what are those two," Lance asked. Keith looked at where he was pointing and smiled.

"That is Altair and Vega," Keith answered. Lance looked into Keith's eyes, pressing him to go on. "A weaver girl and a cow herder fell in love with each other. The girl's parents rejected their relationship."

"How come," Lance pressed on.

Keith looked back up at the stars. "Well, some say the girl was an immortal, and the parents would never accept a romantic mingling between mortal and immortal beings. The parents separated the lovers by carving a river between the two. One side had the boy with his herd, the other side had the girl with her loom. These lovers get to spend one night per year together. Yearly celebrations are designed around. this story in China and Japan."

That story sounded a lot like Lance's. Mama would do her very best to keep Lance from being with Lotor, since it would be against his father's liking. They would sneak and meet occasionally, despite the numerous scolding his mama had for him when he got home. The only difference was his mom gave up trying to separate them once she met Lotor herself. She treated Lotor like her son up until his passing.

"Isn't that kinda sad," Lance asked. Keith turned his head towards the Hispanic boy. He noticed the tears streaming down his face.

"It isn't fair, Keith. Why couldn't they be together every day? That's so lonely."

Keith was caught by surprise. He hadn't seen Lance be this... vulnerable in a while. Not since after his hunger strike that lasted for two days. Maybe Lance had been healing since then.

"But, what mattered was that they still loved each other after so long. Just like... well," Keith stopped talking, hesitating on whether he should really say this or not. Isn't Lance still in love with Lotor? He knew Lotor was still in his mind, but what about Keith? Was Keith someone Lance wanted in his life, as a lover? He didn't know unless he tried.

"Just like me," Keith finished. He gazed into the blue boy's eyes. Lance's facial expression was unreadable. The stars reflected perfectly in his eyes, however. Keith wouldn't mind if his heart committed to Lance. He always liked Lance as a high school crush.

Knowing he hadn't changed much made Keith happy. His laughs still made his heart soar. His tears made his heart ache. His flirtatious attitude made Keith's heart thump rapidly, and the beautiful boy's kiss made Keith's heart stop. But was Lance really feeling the same? Maybe he'll know once Lance started talking.

"You really love me, don't you," Lance asked, chuckling anxiously. He had hopes that his samurai would say yes. Lance mentally noted that maybe that was too straightforward based on Keith's flustered expression. "Yes, I really do," Keith answered.

This was it. This is what Lance had been wanting, needing. Love from another, not just anyone but Keith. Keith's love was what kept him safe and enveloped in warmth. How it felt so good to actually move on. He will always love Lotor, but his heart had left the door open for someone new. For Keith.

He was no longer in guilt about Lotor to the point of never letting a new lover into his life. He felt free. From the guilt, from the depression of his past. He realized he haven't really thought about Lotor since back in July, when he opened to Keith about Lotor. Now it was October, almost November.

"Keith, I loved Lotor. Always had, maybe always will. But," Lance paused for a second. "My heart had opened it's door for you. Ever since I had met you again, you tugged my heart strings with care. You're funny, smart, cool, talented. I just, are you sure...? That you want to be with someone as broken as me?"

Keith laughed.

The flustered blue boy was confused about why this situation was laughable. Keith gently pulled Lance close and kissed him sweetly. A lot different from their other kisses. Their hands laced tighter, and the gap between them was smaller. They separated their soft lips slowly.

The lilac and blue met yet again, staring deep into each other with even deeper feelings that came along with it. A smile crept on Keith's face.

"Of course I'm sure. As long as I'm in your heart," Keith answered. "If we win the Sing Off, I have something to tell you. Can you be patient?"

Lance nodded his head as he slowly went in for another kiss. Nothing could ever beat how romantic this scene was under the starlight.

The story about the constellation does exist by the way. Romantic, right?

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