Chapter 13

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Keith answered the phone that was practically screaming across the room during his heated make-out session. He grunted angrily as he slides off the bed lazily, stomping towards the stupid fucking phone. "Don't stomp this is still an apartment-" Keith ignored Lance's command and finished his stomping towards the phone.

"Hello," Keith asked aggressively, one that he used only when things were fucking him over. This call was what kept him from getting what he wanted for months, Lance to own him sexually.

Keith honestly had been desiring it for a while, since they had been dating for months (now Christmas Eve) and they already live together. Their schedule just didn't line up lately, with both working and school it was rare for them to bump into each other at home. That's what pissed Keith off even more.

Fuck everyone, and Lance can fuck him.

That's the conclusion he followed through to keep his nerves to a minimum. He was snapping less and putting the emotions into making out with his lover when he had the chance. Just-

When the fuck were they going to fuck?

Like really, he was over the moon and on top of the cow with this shit, and his ass was already begging for weeks now. It's not like he was a sex freak or anything, but the poor small boy needed a different form of attention. The sweet and spicy feeling of being owned romantically and sexually, being filled with all the warm love and affection to where it was almost sickening. Hearing his partner's voice, saying "I love you" in his ear with so much desperation to earn the return of affection he deserved.

That would be great. But it would be even greater if THERE WASN'T ANYMORE DISTRACTIONS LIKE THIS STUPID ASS CALL!

He put his attention back to the phone once the person on the other line began to speak.

Lance slid off the bed and walked up to Keith, curious about their conversation. As much as he hates to admit, he did not know how to mind his own business whatsoever. He often got on Keith's Android during his free time just to see how he would talk to other people. Every time it resulted in minimum conversation in his messages and some reading sites left open in Chrome. No pictures or anything really. Not even music, but Lance knew all of the tunes were in his boyfriends iPod. Yes, the old school ones.

"Oh really," Keith said frowning. He glanced towards Lance and back to the floor, biting his lip to hide his anxiety.

"Yeah....yeah, I hear you. Thank you," Keith slowly pushed the dial button and sadly looked towards Lance. "I just got a call from the Sing Off," Keith stated.

Lance's panic was already at the max once Keith made an upset face. This was it. His efforts for absolutely nothing. His time and dedication wasted before he could even join the competition. What the hell was he to do now? Continue off singing in Cafés his entire life? Not a chance. His entire world was suddenly turning black in white.

"Babe, we made the sing-offs," Keith finished.

Lance's heart stopped as time did.


" I said we made the audition. We're in the sing-offs," he chimed, responding to Lance's question (which he accidentally asked out loud).

The blue boy glared at Keith, which made our samurai's smile wipe of his face instantly. His face turned into what seemed like horror, ready to run in seconds. "Uh, Lance? I'm sorry I tricked-AH!"

Keith sped off, Lance chasing him behind. He could hear the steps coming closer. He was almost to the bathroom door, and it had a lock. Almost there, and he can still live before Lance-

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