Chapter 21

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It had been a couple seasons since their last performance, also the time they had gotten engaged. With the free time Keith and Lance have now that the contest was over, they spend it with each other. 

Their relationship is not perfect, but the honeymoon dynamic is crystal clear. Pidge often makes gagging sounds whenever they were around and Hunk fidgets uncomfortably in his spot. Regardless of their acts, the instrumental duo are supportive of their relationship. 

Allura and Shiro was shocked but joyous once they heard the news. Lance had to deal with daily pinterest boards of same-sex wedding ideas. Shiro would tell her to send them less but she insists that the wedding should be as gay as possible, both meanings included. And if they were to get any good ideas, Pinterest was the app to use.

Now Matt is a different story. Keith could recall the random times he found condoms on him thanks to that weirdo.  There was even one time where a box of Trojan XL in the refrigerator. Who even does that? "Protection may not feel as great raw, but it'll keep you alive longer to enjoy the fun" is what Matt would shamelessly say whenever the former mullet would have a fit. However, they always seemed to need more condoms anyway.

Keith has too much unholy stamina for Lance to keep up with, but somehow the top (?) questions how he manages to survive every other night. The poor boy even started to take excessive naps from the lack of sleep everytime Keith wants Lance in his ass. He wonders if he'll die during sex one of these days. The thought makes him shiver in fear. 

Too embarrassing of a death. 




"You want to meet my family," Lance asked after shattering a glass cup at his fiancee's question. Keith shuffles awkwardly in his seat, staring at his empty plate of dinner date they decided to have at home.

Keith had been wanting to ask this for quite a while. They had been engaged for almost a year now, yet he never had been introduced as Lance's lover. Of course, he understood the situation between his soon-to-be hubby and his family. He just hopes that this wedding could be the excuse to rebuild the relationship. Also, he wants Lance to be the upmost happy getting married if his family was there to support him. Lance could regret it for the rest of his life, and Keith will do anything to prevent such a thing. 

The wind is hitting the windows in powerful thrusts. "Winter...our wedding is close. I used to be on my own at my apartment during this time of year." After a bang was heard from the glass windows, Keith is worried that they will break at this rate so he pulls the curtains and resits himself onto the stool. 

"Babe, you know that we don't have a good relationship," Lance states after carefully picking up the glass pieces and placing it in his palm. "Ow!"

Keith jumps off the stool and runs over to Lance. Before the future husband could argue, Keith grabs Lance's wrist and cleans the clean cut on the pinky finger. After being forced to run his minorly injured hand through water, Lance smiles. "You never take off that ring, huh?"

The partner shakes his head. "I'm scared that one day if I take it off, I'll wake up and this will all be a dream," Keith answers warmly. He goes back to the thought before.

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