Chapter 14: Here Comes A Thought

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The echoing sound of coughing and sniffling overwhelmed Lance. He'd never seen Keith so sick like this. It was all going to his head.

What if it is something that can kill him?

Usually, his mind wouldn't overexert to such drastic measures. But his lover had a fever for over a week now. Shouldn't he had been better already?

Keith always had a weak immune system. When he would take care of himself as a child, colds and fevers would attack him constantly until Shiro came along. Poor health of not eating properly, having a cover to keep him warm, and sleeping was really getting to him at his older age. Maybe this was something to be worried about?

Two gentle knocks were heard at the door. Lance turned down the stove to prevent burning Keith's chicken noodle soup and headed straight for the sound.

Opening the entrance, he saw a group crowded in the hallway, eager to come in.

"What the hell, guys," Lance spouted. Pidge pushed Lance aside, saying "move bitch baby" as they all entered.

"We came to see Keith, we heard he is sick," Allura asked worriedly. Pidge was already in their room, talking to the popular boy of the day. Hunk was standing at the room doorway, joining in on Pidge and Keith's conversation. Shiro was checking out the home with Matt, fingers still intertwined.

"Uh, yeah he had been ill for a while. I was just considering on taking him to the doctor," Lance nervously answered.

Allura smiled. For some reason, she still felt too familiar to Lance. He was starting to think he had met her before the concert, but this could've been just him overthinking again. This all felt too uncomfortably usual. The feeling was cast aside once she took a couple steps forward and placed her hand onto his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. "You can count on me. I am a doctor after all," she assured.

"You're a what," Lance questioned a bit too loud. "What the- why were you hosting at the festival concert then?"

"It was volunteer work, I mean the money does go to the patients at xx Hospital. That's the hospital I'm located in by the way."

Lance nodded slowly, understanding her explanation and noting how fortunate this cheap opportunity was. He hugged her gently, in the friendliest and grateful way possible. "Thank you so much, really."

She hesitated to hug him, arms lifting and falling back. He could feel her looking up  at the white ceiling. "No problem...hermanito."


Hold on.

Did she just say hermanito?

The taller boy backed up, looking at her in confusion. Did he hear her accurately?

Allura smiled, head gesturing to the door. "I think you and I might need to talk." She kindly grabs Lance's arm and head towards the door.

"Matt, Shiro, I'm going out to have a chat with Lance. Behave yourselves, I'll be right back."

"I think you mean 'Matt behave yourself'," Shiro replied. He almost got kicked by Matt, if it wasn't for his prosthetic right arm to save him. "I'll gladly kick your ass-"

The door shuts and all they could hear was shouting. Allura rolls her eyes and quickens her pace a little, Lance struggles a bit to meet her speed. "They already misbehave before I even stepped out of the room," Allura sighs. The boy answers with a small "hm" to show that he is listening.

Once they left the apartment building, the blue and pink sky was present. The sun in the horizon was going down as the moon remained in the sky. Faded stars danced along the moon. It was a scenery you'd never find in a place like this. The sky scrapers were out of the view, not blocking the paradise above. The warm hope of thinking his family were looking at the same sky. And this family that was next to him? She called him little brother. As far as he knew, he never had a older sister. What was this all supposed to mean?

They sat on Matt's car hood. There was a silent beat. He could tell that his so called older sister was trying to sort out texts to convey to him. Her mouth opened, and her small mouth began to speak.

"When you were a baby," Allura started. Lance turned towards her. She looked up into the stars.

"I was a teen who wanted to get into the dancing industry. I secretly joined dance classes, participated in competitions and concerts. Ballet was all I had known. But our- your father found out and made me focus on my studies to get into the medical field, like he did."

"He hid my uniforms and was very strict on me. I felt like there was no chance for me to convey my passion again. I felt so trapped, so cold. No one was on my side."

Allura looked down to the ground, tears dropping one by one, the moon and star reflecting on every tear.

"Once he learned that I had been sneaking out of school to dance, he sent me away to England to become a proper doctor. He didn't acknowledge me as his daughter until a year ago. I came back to Cuba and realized you guys moved to the U.S. When I found the family, mom had told me that you were not around anymore. So, I went out to find you. The festival was an unbelievable coincidence. I knew it was you the first time I saw you."

Her lips quivered and her hands were trembling. She brought them to her face. Talking into them.

"I am so, so sorry I couldn't help you. No one accepted you the way you were, just like me. You became a replacement for father's rage and it's all my fault. If I hadn't been rebelling then-"

A hug intervened her cries. The loving, gentle, warm embrace of a caring younger brother. Her cries grew louder and her tears dropped more rapidly, and she shrunk into Lance's arms. Disheveled and broken as she was, it must've been so frustrating to deal with all of that. They weren't alone anymore. They had each other, and they were family.

Lance: Take a moment, remind yourself

To take a moment and find yourself

Take a moment and ask yourself

If this is how we fall apart

But it's not, but it's not, but it's not, but it's not, but it's not

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay

You've got nothing, got nothing, got nothing, got nothing to fear

I'm here, I'm here, I'm here


I will make a set of Q&A for you guys to better understand the story line and our characters' backgrounds that I took the time to create. 

Also there will be an extra showing how Shiro, Matt, and Allura became a relationship.

After that, we start with the first round of Sing Offs!

Song: Here Comes A Thought from Steven Universe (recommended by IDKwhatiminto)

Thank you for reading, see you on the next update!

P.S: You didn't expect that bomb of a plot twist did you? 
oh...well I didn't lol.

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