Chapter 27

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The second that Lance and Keith walked into the house, there was a silent chill that competed with the cold outside. The two debated whether to go in or stay at a hotel for the night, but Lance was done running away.

He was ready to face his father properly.

Lance walked into the living room, where his dad laid on the couch. He was staring off into space, not noticing the door squeak open and close.

The fury was coming back into Lance, a ball of fire ready to burst in angry words and aggression. Until it completely died out soon after.

Tears were flooding his papa's eyes, rolling down his cheeks in utter silence. Lance told himself that he should feel sorry. He shouldn't feel any remorse, any pity.

But for some reason, that was all he felt now.


His father looked up to him, wide eyed like he had witnessed a miracle. He opened his mouth to speak, but closed it shut before anything could be heard.

"Why are you here, boy?"

Lance sat next to him on the cushion. "I heard everyone was worried. Well, to my guess, everyone but you."

His father made a face in despair. "No- I- I was worried as well. But, the feeling I feel now is... self-hate and regret."

This shook Lance's heart in a way it never was before. His father? Regret? That wasn't something he's ever put into one sentence.

"Why do you feel bad now," Lance answered in confusion and slight anger.

"You weren't feeling bad when my broken heart was thrown out into the streets without a care. Or when Allura-"

He held himself back, retracking wasn't going to help reach a conclusion.

"You should've thought about your actions then. Why now, Papa?"

"I- I'm not sure. I grew up living a certain way. My Papa and the rest of my family was very strict and traditional. That's the only way I knew how to grow up, mijo. And all these new things started appearing. My children with music, wearing non-traditional clothes, hanging out with people who are different in race. It was overwhelming and new! And on top of that, you being attracted to..."

Papa glanced towards Keith. The Korean boy was staring at his phone with headphones on his ears.

"You being attracted to men was something I've never really heard of. So, I didn't know how to properly handle it. Same with Allura choosing to not work a strict career that can take better care of herself than I ever could. I wanted what was best for my children, but after earlier..."

"After the scars," Lance finished. HIs father nodded his head. "After everything you told me, showed me... I realized I couldn't be any worse of a father than I already am," Papa finished.

He sobbed quietly, resting his hands on his face as he tried to wipe the tears. "I'm so sorry, my boy. I can't take anything back."

Lance hesitantly rested his hand on his dad's shoulder. "You're right. You can't take it back, And we can't just forget what you've done... but we can forgive. But only if you work hard to earn it. That, and our trust."

Papa nodded his head slowly. "Bring me your fiance."

Lance's heart dropped. Anxiety took over and he almost panicked. His father showed a friendly smile. "I won't hurt him."

There was an internal war going on in his head right now. Should he trust his father in contacting with Keith? What if he got hurt? What if he says something that will offend him?

Keith was already in the entryway. "Lance, it's okay," Keith said with a smile. He slowly walked up to his future father-in-law and let out his hand.

"I'm Keith Kogane. Your son's fiance. It's a pleasure to meet you properly."

Papa wrapped both of his hands around Keith's one. "It's nice to meet you, Keith, I'm sorry you had to see the way I behaved."

"It's alright. I'd never treat your son in that manner. I promise to always protect and take good care of him," Keith said confidently.

The manner surprised both Lance and his father. They both didn't expect him to be so bold.

Papa kissed Keith's hand. "My son, you have my blessing to marry Lance."




"Allura, I know after all these years it'll be hard to forgive me. In fact, I wouldn't blame you if you'd never want to. I just want you to know how sorry I am and that I'm willing to build our trust and love for one another."

Allura sat, crying and hugging her father. "That's all I wanted to hear you say for years, Papa."

Matt and Shiro awkwardly sat on the couch across the room. They both didn't really know how to react or what to say. Matt was nervous and Shiro was confused. They glanced at each other and back at the old man.

The old man noticed them and chuckled before reaching his hand out, gesturing them to come. They both got up and walked slowly.

"H-how can I help you sir," Matt stuttered. Shiro and Allura tried not to laugh, resulting Matt to blush harshly.

"That's not funny guys!"

A burst of laughter came out of all three. Matt covered his face in embarrassment and yelled, "Not you too, father-in-law!"

The laughter died down and Papa smiled.

"Are you getting married too, mija?"

There was an uncomfortable silence.



The two boys got on their knees. Holding a ring together.

"If she says yes, then she is," Shiro said.

Allura covered her mouth and more tears started to come out. She looked at her father, who nodded his head. She said yes and hugged the two as Matt and Shiro put on her diamond ring.

Lance was recording, but he was too excited to actually keep the phone still. Keith was recording as well, and he actually did it right since he knew Lance wouldn't be able to do it properly. Mama was rejoiced to find that her only daughter was getting married, and was more rejoiced that she gets to help find a wedding dress.

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