Chapter 12.5

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"Kiss me."

"Because I'm still mad."
"But babe-"
"Fuck off. Please."

Lance trudged his feet on the floor loudly, squeaking down the hall as it followed with a loud sigh. What did he do this time, you ask? Well, It certainly does not have anything to do with Lance throwing out Keith's special seat pillow to sit on the ground so that Keith can end up sitting on the couch like a normal human that he is.

It doesn't.

Loverboy exaggerates his groan to express just how heart crushed he was for being rejected a tender kiss from his boyfriend's soft and plump lips. He just wanted to cuddle on the couch together that one date night of having the home theatre. Well, until Keith rejected the cuddle because he wanted to stay on the floor. Why the hell did he hate couches, anyways? It's not like there are spikes on them, or some evil purple witch cast magic on it to kill them. Maybe that line of thought forgot the entire point here.

Regardless, the couch was not harmful in any way. It comforted his nice ass, and relaxed Keith's beautiful small and toned back. And also permitted cuddles, which Lance surely wanted that date night.

Oh, the hopes he had of being close during the date.

The hope of cuddling cutely as they laugh at jokes and jump during the scary parts of the movie. The hope of somehow ending up too close to each other faces once Keith and Lance subconsciously gaze into each other's eyes. The hope of slowly closing the tiny gap between them with a gentle kiss that could lead to one thing or another (nice Lancey time in the bed he thought). But it was all ruined because of the stupid pillow. Sure, Lance could've just respected Keith's preference and sit on the floor with him.

However, that would mean Keith won. And never ever will he let his formal (and kind of still current) rival win this uninitiated war.


But what was the point in reflecting? His gorgeous stern boyfriend will be angry for eternity. It's easy for Keith's anger to rise by even the smallest things.

To Keith, these things will never be minor. He's too uptight and Lance should've known better than to trash what Keith cherished and trusted to save his ass from cramping.

Lance decided to take Keith out to the mall. Hopefully, this could lighten the tension between them. Through the chattering from the mouths of over 200 civilians, Lance can still hear Keith's inner rage of hell. He really had done it, hadn't he?

"Why are we even here," Keith asked gruffly, his eyebrows knitted together in what seems to be the irritation.

"Well, I wanted to make you feel better, my love," Lance answers softly.

His smooth voice was what almost made Keith forgive him. It wasn't only Lance's singing voice that was great, but his everyday voice as well. The way his deep voice would flow as gently as the spring wind that sent goosebumps onto his skin. His accent barely there unless he listened intently. God, would he like that in his ears once Lance owns hi-

"Uh Keith," Lance questions worriedly, stopping in his tracks once he realized his lover was not walking with him. "Are you alright? Your face is red." Lance paces to the short boy and bends down, foreheads touching. "You don't seem to have a fever."
Keith's body tense at this sudden action and backs up quickly, almost pushing Lance.

Wait he actually did push Lance.

The blue-eyed boy's mouth dropped slightly. Processing the situation that was happening before him. He could feel his inner fire rising from the pit of his stomach, no way in hell was this going to be good.

"What the fuck is your problem," Lance asked coldly. Keith's eyes widened, obviously shocked from his actions. He obviously didn't mean to put a negative force on his boyfriend. That was the very last thing he wanted to do to him.

"I-I'm sorry," Keith walked off with that very brief statement. He was flustered and still kind of angry. Both reasons are because of the very boy he was dating. He just wasn't used to this. All these emotions. He was used to hiding behind the large wall he built from when he was a child. He was used to cramping with his insecurities and anxiety from beyond that wall. He was used to crushing on Lance behind that wall too.

Feet bringing him to a halt, Keith realizes he was in a Karaoke that was above the floor where he pushed Lance. He remembered hanging out with the gang of 3, going to karaoke joints like this. Even though Pidge and Hunk were more pros with the instruments instead of singing, they still had their thrilling moments being together. None of those memories would occur if it wasn't for Lance.

Oh, Lance. The named most gorgeous guy in high school. The girls wanted him and so did Keith. Even though he flirted with many of the girls until that former lover came along. Being with him now certainly felt like some sort of fairytale or some shit. Keith was not complaining a single bit, however.

Keith approached the uninterested clerk and bought a room. There were 4 rooms in this small area of an entertainment. One was already vacant, leaving 3 available.

The black haired boy entered the room, already listing songs to sing in his head. What way to express his feelings other than singing? Keith could never know.

Keith: When the days are cold
And the cards all fold
And the saints we see
Are all made of gold
When your dreams all fail
And the ones we hail
Are the worst of all
And the blood's run stale

Keith realizes maybe he needs to learn to control his emotions. There had been too many times to count off when he snapped without realizing. There were times when he made Lance cry during the months of being together. There were times when he hurt his very own feelings because he was hurting Lance's. This was not healthy. This needed to cease, completely. The real emotions he kept in the walls, were hidden behind these snaps and mood swings. Maybe if he tried to talk to Lance about how he felt, this wall could crumble gently?

Keith: I want to hide the truth
I want to shelter you
But with the beast inside
There's nowhere we can hide
No matter what we breed
We still are made of greed
This is my kingdom come
This is my kingdom come

Klance: When you feel my heat
Look into my eyes
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide
Don't get too close
It's dark inside
It's where my demons hide
It's where my demons hide

Keith turned his head towards the second voice, finding Lance in his view of vision in front of the door. He probably had just came in.

Your Song (Klance Chorus AU)- completedWhere stories live. Discover now