Chapter 18.5: My Winter, Your Summer

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Our lives were so different
But, the similar.
People complained about our season the same
But the complaint itself was the opposite
"Too hot"
"Too cold"
People never wanted to come out at all when we were present.
Yet, people wanted to explore when we were subtle.
In the summer, there were ice cream, pools, and natural tan that stick on their skin like the chills of your snowflake.
In the winter, there were snowmen, sledding, and the feeling of your precious icy gifts settle on their tongues.
You, Lance, were that winter.
I, Keith, was that summer.
All the same but oh so different.
We balance each other with the concept of fall and spring.
Your power dominated during the Autumn.
My power dominated during the spring.
My flowers grow while your leaves fall.
The sweet honeysuckle the bees feed.
The berries are hidden for the sweet slumber of the bears.
I needed to make your berries, you needed to prepare my honey.
My winter, your summer.
My Lance, your Keith.
Separate but the same.
As we touch each other through the frosted and sweaty palms, the balance of warmth holds our hearts.


"That's so gay..." Lance cries. He sniffles and laughs, wiping his tears with his sleeves.

Keith made this poem for his class a couple weeks ago. As an art student, poems were a must.

And, to be frank, this touchy-feely kind of literature was certainly not his specialty.
He worked his ass off on it, though, maybe it needed more work.
Oh well, he got an 85. Better than nothing during these desperate times.
His scholarship needs to stay alive.

Keith remembered that Lance was having a break from college before reapplying for the summer semester. This was the fall, however, so he didn't mind not having their schedules overlap like last summer.

He hated not seeing his lover boy often. Thinking about his plump tan lips against his thin pink was destroying him mentally during those couple of months. Keith wasn't sure if he could really stand it.

"It was beautiful," Lance said. "It made me weird. Like, like I want to just hold you right now. Is that okay? To hold you?"

Keith got on top of Lance and laid his head on his lover's chest. He could feel the faint heartbeat of his relaxed boyfriend and the fingers twirling his black locks of long hair.

Lance began to hum, sending vibrations from his chest to Keith's ear.

It was these days that Keith loved. Being treated like a princess, pampered and all.

It was something he never thought could happen. Compared to how his life was before.

With that guy.
The one who didn't know how to keep his dirty hands off.

Lance traced his fingers along his baby boy's spine. Keith snapped out of his train of thought and moaned quietly. He looked up at Lance, who was blushing terribly.

"Uh, are you okay Keith," Lance asked.

He sat up, looking at Lance in the eyes.

"I don't know but I want to do it."

Keith lifted Lance's shirt up, revealing abs and pecks from when his boyfriend started working out a few months before.


Keith also liked Lance's hobby at the shooting range. He just looked so badass....made Keith want Lance to make his ass bad...

What the fuck?

Keith realized what he had said and thought and turned away, feeling the heat rise to his cheeks.

"Sorry, I got carried..awa-"

Lance pulled Keith down and got on top swiftly. Knees are on both side of Keith's hips, groins rubbing against each other delicately.

"L-Lance, what are you-"


"Can you stop and talk to m-"

Kiss kiss.

"God..." Kiss. "Lance," Keith moaned out. The pale boy wrapped his arms around his lover and pulled him close gently.

"I feel like I'll end up making a mess out of you if you keep acting cutesy on me. Okay, chica?"

Keith melted in an instant. This is exactly why he can't be away from his Lancey for more than 48 hours. 

"Lance, I love you," Keith whispered. 

"I know, I love you even more."

Little did Keith know, the engagement ring was hidden under the mattress.

I know this isn't much and I'm so sorry! I had been having quite a rough time at home... BUTTT the chapter to continue to story will arrive! 

I also have a question...

Should I do a Catra x Adora or Adora x Glimmer??? OR Glimmer x Bow? What ships do you want me to do? I'll make one-shots out of them!

Your Song (Klance Chorus AU)- completedWhere stories live. Discover now