Allura's Arc

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Glad to be back with a new arc! We will be focusing on the McClain Family, the upcoming wedding, and the story of alluraxshiroxmatt. For this chapter, we'll be focusing on SAM (my ship name for the trio).


"I'm Takashi Shirogane. Shiro for short," the guy who just bumped into me, made me fall, and got me to spill my coffee on my shirt- says after frantically waving his arm around as he apologizes repeatedly.

Apparently, this guy has one arm. This isn't something that bothers me, I just never seen anyone without a body part outside of- well- my work. There's something else I notice right away. 

His accent is nearly strong enough for me to not be able to understand what he's saying. Is he a foreigner? Asian, perhaps? 

I roll my eyes and reach my hand out for a shake. "Allura. Allura McClain," I huff. 

Shiro stares at me for a few ticks. I stare back until someone from behind him sneaks up. That creep glomps Shiro with a hug and laughs.

"Shiro, I've been looking for you, babe," The light-brown head yells. Shiro isn't fazed one bit. Instead, he smiles and turns around. He speaks to Matt in Japanese. I understand a great bit since I study Japanese as well. "Where have you been? I have been causing so much trouble for this American. I don't know English well enough to have a conversation," is what he says. The two bicker until I interrupt. "Uhm..." I speak. I speak his tongue in hopes that I don't make any errors in my speech. "I understand Japanese well, I accept your apology." 

Matt remains frozen. He speaks in Japanese as well. "You understand it? Why didn't you say so???" 

"I didn't want to be rude by assuming where he was from. And, I'm not American. I'm Cuban. You know, From Cuba?”

Matt introduces himself. "I'm Matt, Shiro's boyfriend."

I smile and shake back. "Allura." 

I realize just how good looking they are. They're well-built, tall, and seem to be quite nice...and very attractive. I don't think I've seen any pair as handsome before. I feel a tumble in the pit of my stomach. The noise of busy streets seemed to lower its volume. Should I take a chance?

"Do you guys maybe...want to get coffee? Shiro owes me one after making me spill it." The couple looks at each other before smiling and nodding. I hope they don't think I'm some sort of whore that wants to fuck taken men.

Well, if they're up for it then so am I. Consent is valuable to someone like me.

...As if there is anyone like me. 




We head down to a cafe nearby. There weren't many customers inside. Well, it was a Monday. No one likes to go out on a Monday. 

The boys each hold a door for me, smirking as if this was planned. I look at both of them back and forth, heat rushing to my face when I mutter a "Thank you" as I enter.

 "Well, aren't you a princess," the cashier greets. She has blonde pigtails that is too long to be considered normal length. I read her name tag as "Nyma" and approach the counter. 

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