Chapter 5

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Keith runs to get the paper and brings it back. He kneels in front of Lance, spreading the paper ball. 

"Lance," Keith started. "Don't," Lance pleaded. Keith was silent for a second, then decided to continue on. 

"Lance, this could be really good for you," Keith continued. Lance slowly shook his head, looking down at his fiddling thumbs. "I don't do singing concerts or competitions anymore," Lance explained. "I believe I told you this already."

"I know but-" 

"But nothing," Lance interrupted. "I want to sing again, but not for concerts or competitions. I lost so much last time-"

"The Christmas concert," Keith said. "What happened then?"

Lance sat there, not speaking. He didn't want the past to come back, not ever. Lance pushed Keith away gently. "I just can't talk about it," Lance answered.

Keith got irritated. "So, you're just going to sit, feeling bad for yourself and never sing like you used to," Keith asked. "I looked up to you. I thought you loved music just as much as I."

Keith wanted to stop talking. This isn't what he wanted to say. "What happened to the Lance McClain who sung through his heart? The one who had pride and dignity in his music? The one who wanted to go beyond the stars with his voice? If it's over some damn ignorant people, that's stupid. You're being selfish, you're not-"

"I LOST ENOUGH ALREADY," he screamed. Keith fell silent, shocked at Lance's outburst. "I-" Lance started. "I lost so much already. My confidence, my dignity, my passion, my family, my-" Lance cried.

Keith slowly sat down on the couch next to Lance. He tried to reach for Lance, only for Lance to slap his hand away. "Lance McClain is gone," Lance harshly exclaimed. He looked at Keith with pain and hatred, eyes watery and red. 

Keith's heart pierced when Lance looked at him that way. Keith knew he fucked up, regretting everything he said. Keith just finally got Lance back, only for him to be gone again.

"Do whatever you want, I'm going to bed," Lance said. He didn't have the heart to kick Keith out of his home. If he did, Keith wouldn't come back. Lance didn't need to lose anyone else. Lance stood up and head towards his room weakly, praying that his razor was still around somewhere.


Lance curled in a ball in his bed. He couldn't find a razor, no matter how hard he desperately looked for it.

He took off his shirt and shuffled back underneath the covers. His heart was hurting. His chest was clenching in pain as he struggled to breathe a little.

He remained thinking about his past. The only way his torture went away, was when he sang. But, he promised himself to never sing again.

He remembered when he sang with Keith and broke his promise.

Keith sure knew how to break him, even his walls in split seconds. Lance shuffled to sleep.

After the weekend ended, Lance decided not to go to school. lance hadn't eaten for two days.

He didn't leave his room either, only walked to the bathroom that was in front of his bed and back.

Lance wondered if Keith left back home or not. That was the least of his concerns right now. He didn't care anymore. About where Keith was, life, everything.

Lance slowly sat up on his bed, staring at the wall. There was silence among his apartment room. He took a deep breath, ready to break his promise yet again.

Shadows settle on the place, that you left
Our minds are troubled by the emptiness

He remembers the day he first met his former lover back in high school. He was gorgeous, like Keith, and treated Lance like a prince. He was stunning and the first thing he said to Lance was, "I love your voice, I'm a fan of yours."

Destroy the middle, it's a waste of time
From the perfect start to the finish line

Lance loved him so. That lover held him when he was hurt, listened to all of his songs, kissed him in the sweetest ways.

Lance continues singing, thinking about his former lover throughout the song. They were a wild youth together. His lover played the piano, beautifully hitting each key. He and his lover together sounded like one.

Chasing visions of our futures
One day we'll reveal the truth

He and his lover put their initials on Lance's first microphone.
Lance & Lotor

That one will die before he gets there

Lance remembers the Christmas concert.

He continues singing, remembering the past moments. He begged Lotor to skip his shift at work to come to see Lance sing. Lotor would never refuse his prince, he loved Lance most of all.

And if you're in love, then you are the lucky one
'Cause most of us are bitter over someone

Lance wondered where Lotor was when he got up on the stage to sing his solo. Maybe he was there and he couldn't see him. But, that couldn't be. Lance would notice Lotor miles away, where could he be?

Setting fire to our insides for fun
To distract our hearts from ever missing them

Lance screamed and cried so much, learning that Lotor was killed in a car accident trying to get to his concert. There was a gift for him, a Beyonce poster that Lance wanted for a long time.

~yes, the same Beyonce poster from the beginning~

Not only that, but a card telling Lance how much Lotor loved him and how proud he was of Lance. Lance started cutting after that, deeper and deeper so the pain could make him forget. He was so numb that he couldn't feel it. lance cut deeper and deeper and... He wanted to forget the dead body that laid on the road. He wanted to forget the blood smeared on the ground. He had to forget the dead face that he couldn't recognize was Lotor's anymore.

But I'm forever missing him

Lance's father found out that Lance was bisexual after watching him scream "I love you" to Lotor's crushed body. His father was so homophobic that he kicked Lance out of the house. His mother tried to convince his father not to abandon him, but Lance decided to leave on his own in the end. His siblings cried so much, begging their big brother to come back that day when he left. He missed his family. He missed Lotor so much, his touch, his hugs, his tease. He also missed his voice -god, his voice- that kept him warm and comforted, even if the world was against them.

None of this would happen if Lance did not sing at all.


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