Chapter 20

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"We wrote this song together, and we thought we could share this with you, " Keith said. He felt Lance grab ahold of his hand. The small boy looked over to Lance.

Blue eyes met his lilac again. This time, it had more meaning. They were becoming something that could last forever. A married couple. They went this far together and of course, they would end this with a bang. Ending this stage with placing an unforgettable image in the heads of the audience. Their love was there. Their existence was there. And even if they didn't win, the everlasting memory is what really mattered.

Keith gave off a smile of intense love and affection. Without Lance, he wouldn't be here. Without Keith, Lance wouldn't have been living right now. Not like this.

Without each other, their roads would have been lost. But, they found one another. Their lives were fated to be tied together like the red string of fate.

Keith and Lance were one. A unity of summer and winter.

"This song is made straight from our love and your hearts. And- writing this song- we got to relive our love story," Lance explains. " I'm not good with speeches like this, but thank you for giving us this chance to fall in love in the best way." He looks back at Keith again and mouths, "Are you ready?"

Keith grins, mouthing," Yes."

The background music has spread around the building, like a warm blanket that just got out of the dryer. 

The crowd was waiting to hear them, and that's what made Lance join chorus back then. Lotor was the cause too but the catalyst of making him stay was this everlasting feeling of gratitude and relaxation. He could sing just about anything and the audience would be pleased. This was the stage of equality, freedom, and challenge. Their eyes and ears fed Lance the affection of acceptance. They took him for all he is, all he was. There never was an uneasiness that Lance could recall. And, Keith? Well, his voice that carefully and passionately embraced his very own- that was real love. This song was the embodiment of the two of them. What they had been through, what they had overcome, was all into this one piece of music.

This one piece.


"What is that," Lance asked. Lotor was playing on his piano, writing his sheet music at the same time.
"I'm writing a song," Lotor replied.
The smaller boy rolled his eyes moved towards his boyfriend. "Oh my gosh, really? Because just looking at you I could NEVER guess that," Lance said sarcastically.

The pianist made a gentle chuckle that touched Lance so sweetly, sending light shivers down his spine.
"What kind of song?" Lance sat on Lotor's lap, resting his back again his lover's chest.
"I'm not sure yet, but I know that it's your song."

Lance turned and looked into his eyes. "My song...?"

"Yes, my Prince. Your song," Lotor smiled. Lance never did have a song that was his and his alone. He always sang everyone else's songs. This made him feel warm in his chest and tingly at the pit of his stomach. "My song...." Lance processed.

"Yes, Lance, this is your song."


Keith: I'm gonna pick up the pieces
And build a Lego house
When things go wrong we can knock it down
My three words have two meanings
There's one thing on my mind, it's all for you

Keith looks at Lance, slowly reaching to grab his hand. Lance notices and interlaces their fingers together.

Lance: And it's dark in a cold December, but I've got ya to keep me warm
And if you're broke I'll mend ya
And keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on now
I'm out of touch, I'm out of love
I'll pick you up when you're getting down
And out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now
I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind
I'll do it all for you in time
And out of all these things I've done I think I love you better now

Your Song (Klance Chorus AU)- completedWhere stories live. Discover now