Chapter 3

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Lance woke up in an unfamiliar bed. He turned in the bed, seeing Keith sleeping soundly next to him. Lance almost squealed, but he remembered what happened last night.


After Lance stopped crying, Keith took Lance home. Lance told him the way of course and insisted that he didn't need to take him home. Keith walked him home anyways. As Lance said his goodbyes to Keith when he made it to the stairs, he checked his pockets for the keys. He struggled to look for them once more, getting irritated. 

"You want to stay at my place tonight," Keith asked. Lance was going to say no, but there was nowhere for him to sleep anyways. "If it's about your keys, we can go to Starbucks in the morning to get them. I work there in the morning." Lance narrowed his eyes.

"So THAT'S why you were coincidentally over there today," Lance said. Keith chuckled. "Well, you're not gonna kidnap me or rape me. I guess I don't really have an option either." 

Lance followed Keith to his house. He wanted to just sleep on the couch, but Keith did not have one. Keith explained that he prefers sitting on the floor to watch TV than something useless like a couch. Lance never knew how weird Keith really was, but that's what made Keith more interesting. Lance laid on the bed and hugged a pillow. It sure as hell smelled like Keith, lilac-like his eyes.

Keith took off his shoes and went into his bathroom to take a shower. Lance thought about telling him his past. Keith already saw him break down, what else could he lose at this point?

Lance squealed and shoved his face into the pillow once he remembered how lame he was crying at a children's playground. "Are you okay," Keith asked. Lance turned around.

Keith had a towel around his waist and another towel in his hand. His upper body was....quite built actually. The hair down his back became a messy bun. Lance looked at every part of his body. The abs, biceps, his thick thighs, his waist, and most of all his-

"Uh, Lance," Keith called. Lance snapped out of his trance.

"Sorry, did you say something," Lance asked. Keith knew Lance was staring. Knowing him, of course, Keith decided to tease him. He pulled off his hair tie to let down all of his slick black hair. He walked towards him, crawling on top of the bed. Lance was pushed down and Keith was on top. 

"I asked," Keith started, looking deep into his eyes. "Are you okay?" Lance couldn't answer. He just couldn't. Not with this sexy beautiful man staring at him with such desire.

Lance unconsciously touches Keith's hair, twirling it in his fingers. He gently tugged on it, pulling Keith down. Keith slowly got closer to Lance's face and-

The phone went off. Keith got up and answered the phone. "What the fuck do you want," Keith answered, glancing at Lance.

Keith went to the living room continuing his conversation. Lance tried to process what the hell just happened. Keith came on to him. TO HIM.

Lance's face turned dark red as he took off his shirt and snuggled in the covers. When Keith came back, he put on his boxers and braided his hair to sleep. He turned off the lights and slowly got in the bed, trying not to wake Lance. 

"I want to tell you why I quit singing, but I'm not ready yet," Lance confessed. Well, screw trying to not wake Lance up since he was still awake anyway. Keith sighed and looked into his eyes. Those eyes were filled with dread but tried to remain positive.

"Well, take your time. I won't push," Keith remarked. Lance scooted closer to Keith and put his hand on Keith's cheek. "Thanks for understanding." Lance smiled, and not just any pretend smile like he's seen before, a genuine smile of true happiness. 

When Lance was happy, he was beautiful. Keith knew he'd fallen in love all over again, taking in Lance's perfection from head to toe. If only he could hear the musical voice that made Keith fall for Lance in the first place. Keith then grabbed Lance's hand and held it.

 "I will help you sing again," Keith said. Lance froze. He wanted to sing again more than anything, but what if that incident happened again?

Lance stayed silent for a while, realizing that in the future he will succumb to his own soul once again no matter how hard he tries to avoid it.

Plus, Keith was here for him. He accepted him even when he didn't really understand why Lance left chorus in the first place. That was enough for him to at least try. He wants to do this for himself, for his family, and for Keith. Maybe, Keith was his savior. 

"I'd like that," Lance replied, quickly drifting off to sleep, hoping that this conversation was not a dream. 


Lance rose up from his pillow slowly and looked at Keith.

Keith's braid was undone, laying in all directions of his bed. Lance chuckled to himself about how cute Keith really was. Keith was still holding on to Lance's hand, keeping it close.

Lance leaned down. He wanted to tease Keith back for last night so he got near Keith's ear. "Wake up princess," He whispered. At that second, he got slapped in the face.

Lance fell backward and off the bed. Keith slowly got up after hearing Lance groan in pain. Keith sleepily rubbed his eyes and moved his hair out of his face. "Lance where did you go," Keith asked.

"Son of a bitch," Lance cried. Keith crawled towards the noise and saw Lance on the floor.

"Wow, you clumsy shit, how did you get down there," Keith asked innocently. "And why is your cheek red?" Lance groaned again, screaming "You fucking slapped me in my face."

Keith giggled and apologized. Lance grabbed Keith's arm to lift himself up, but that obviously went wrong.

Keith fell off the bed landing on Lance. His hands were on both sides of Lance's face. Lance smirked. "So....we're repeating last night. Wanna continue where we left off," Lance asked. Keith blushed at the thought, smacking Lance on the other side of his face.

Lance screamed and held both of his cheeks. "What the hell is wrong with you, that fucking hurt," Lance cried. Keith said sorry and got up from his spot.

He'd feel bad in normal situations, but Lance was flirting with him as he did with so many others back in high school. It honestly hurt a little, but as usual, Keith shoves those feelings down within.

Keith headed for the doorway. "What do you want for breakfast, sharpshooter," Keith asked. Lance sat on the bed. "I'll take anything honestly, I'm hungry," Lance answered. Keith nodded and headed out of the room.

He felt eyes looking at his ass, so he struts off into the living room and flipped his hair for full effect. Lance continued staring, mentally saying "Hot damn."


Keith and Lance got the apartment key back from Starbucks. Lance said his goodbye and went home to take a nap. It was Saturday, so it didn't matter how long he slept really.

Lance thought about singing again with Keith. He's afraid most of all because he hasn't sung in a couple of years. What if he sounded terrible? At that moment, he got a text. Lance grabbed his phone out of his pocket and checked the message. He smiled.

Keith: I'll come to your house after my shift next weekend. Choose whatever song you want and be ready to sing ~.~

Lance couldn't hold back how excited he actually was. He replied okay and went to bed for a nice nap. He can't wait to see how matured his singing may have become the last time he heard it.

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