Chapter 19

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Keith and Lance ran back into the building. Right on time for their final round. The engaged couple didn't worry about not being able to practice. Their voices were connected as well as their hearts. The confidence that they could win this was high. 

*Lance's Perspective*

I could tell Keith was still a bit nervous. After dating him for so long, I could tell from the slightest movements or hints on how he was really feeling.  

The slight constant squeezing of his hand was his struggling self-restraint from showing the most common sign. The tapping of his feet was quiet, but loud enough for me to hear. He's looking down slightly when he usually looks straight ahead unless he has to look at something. Keith couldn't fool me no matter how hard he tried. 

I knew my fiance more than anyone. I'll never think otherwise. 

His taste in music, food, his birthday (except for the one time I forgot...shut up), everything. Well, almost everything. Maybe I'll know once I do give him that last name.

Keith McClain

I love the sound of that.

"Mr. McClain, I can help but wonder what is bothering you," I said jokingly to lighten up his heavy mood. Another reason why we were compatible. We could always balance each other out.  Yin and yang. Peanut butter and jelly. Bonnie and Clyde. 

Keith looked into my eyes, blushing furiously in his seat. 

*Keith's perspective*

This little shit did not just call me Mr. McClain.

As nice as it sounds, I kind of hoped that I'd have my last name instead...

Lance Kogane

Fuck that, nevermind. 

But, I was feeling nervous. Griffin is here, I am suddenly a fiance, and I feel like we'll mess up because of me. The way he looked at me reminded me of those days again. The chill touched my neck with its fingertips and began to rub down my spine.  

I looked up and I felt my blood rushing. Griffin was staring into my soul. I could feel his inner demon's conscience, slowly growing larger in size as it hovers over me. It can see through me. It's piercing eyes gazing into my eyes. I felt so small, so incompetent. It wants to eat me alive. I hold my breath, I couldn't even blink my eyes. It's the devil. It's Satan himself. Don't touch me. Stay away from me, stay-

*Lance's perspective*

I use my hands to bring Keith's face to mine, kissing him passionately. Keith squeaks and lets out a soft moan. He wraps his arms around my neck and pulls me closer. I back up a little to see his face. Another thing I know about him, his eyes sparkle like stars when he looks at me. As if I was a miracle. The light of his entire existence and all that he was. The look of passion, everlasting love for someone like me. 

I had never been so blessed to see such beauty as this. 

Keith smiles, his pearly white teeth beaming as much as the twinkle in his eyes. I could tell exactly what he was thinking. He knows that but still tells me anyways. "I love you."

*Keith's perspective*

Lance probably already knew exactly what I was going to say. But the fear washed away in an instant. Lance's light managed to dominate Griffin's darkness. The room seemed brighter than the last time I checked. I stare into Lance's eyes, smiling. I knew exactly what he would say, but I wanted to hear his sweet love talk. The voice that would make me drop to the floor and fall through to heaven. The tone that gave me touched me in all the good spots of my heart and mind. 

"Keith, you and I will be married. Up till then and afterward, I will protect you," Lance states as he grabs my arms and lays my hands on top of his. "He's not going to touch you. Only I will, okay? So think of it like that. You and I will win this and piss him off."

I got up and sat on Lance's lap, my back laying on his chest. "Yes, hubby," I say purposely loud enough for Griffin to hear. I stare into his eyes bravely as Lance kisses my shoulder. "That's my princess," my husband said.

Griffin makes a "pissed the fuck off" face and turns back around. A sly smile crept on my face. 

Fuck you, Griffin. I won't be scared anymore. I have my husband to protect me.




Keith and Lance got onto the stage after getting their makeup and outfits on. Keith was wearing a yellow, crop-top hoodie that said "Burn it" on the front. You could see the fishnet he wore under his pants, creeping just above his hips. Keith's hair was in a ponytail, laying his back erotically. He wore a black choker and all his piercings were black studs. He even had his special eyeliner on, winged perfectly for his eye shape. Griffin stared in awe. He didn't really notice how Keith looked until now. He had upgraded since middle school.

He really wanted this man to be his little pet. The thought of wanting Keith to be his and his only really turned him on. James could see Keith in a collar picked just for him, calling him master. This ass-I mean- guy felt like he could take him away from Lance. After all, no one was more perfect than James was. 

Lance was wearing a yellow hoodie that said: "He's my flame" on it. He wore black jogging pants and white sneakers. All his piercings were also black. 

Griffin didn't like how they matched clothes every round. How did he know, you ask? 

Well, Instajam is a thing. Even for a famous gay couple who is in this viral competition. (I know, the name is a cringe and I apologize)

Yes. Their performances are on TV (and on YouDude). And, their social media was shared. As one of the judges, he would end up knowing this information. Their couple outfits and their voices together pissed him off on a whole different level. There was always a few girls talking about how cute the couple was or how hot they were. 

One time, he heard these three girls talking about them to each other in the subway. "Keith is totally my type. A sexy guy who can rock female clothing better than I can? Sign me up. There is no man more beautiful than he is. I mean look at his hair," one girl cried. "Lance is more like my type. Hispanics were always hot, especially his accent? My legs would give out if I heard it in person," another girl said. "You could see the love between them. I don't think anyone could break them up no matter how hard they try," a third girl explains. 

"I could,"  he thought to himself. "Because he was mine, to begin with. I still have power over him. The most beautiful man of them all."

He had to have him. Keith. 

Keith was that rosebud hidden in the tall blades of grass in the evening. Hard to see, yet glowed just enough for a few keen-eyed people to notice. Someone who seemed better than anyone. That's why James wanted him. To make him his and his only. The most beautiful Dandelion in the field. More beautiful when he was weak and withered under his feet. 

Keith and Lance looked into the camera in front of them. The large audience who watched within the stage and who were possibly watching at home had their eyes on them. 

SO.....hi. it's been over a month. I know, taking a month to write two chapters at most is just irritating. But you've been patient and I couldn't have been any more appreciative! Thank you for sticking around, I'm posting the next chapter today as well!

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