Chapter 2

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After a while of Keith and Lance silently playing on their phones, Lance decided to speak up. 

"You're a terrible liar," he said. Keith looked up from his phone for a second. "You are too," he replied. Lance sat there, shocked by Keith's reply. Was it really that noticeable? How did he know? What if Pidge and Hunk saw through him and are worried?

 Keith noticed Lance being close to panicking, slightly shaking in his seat. He decides to not be too pushy, Lance could break down if he went any further. Keith sighed and put his phone down.  "So, I noticed you called me this morning."

Lance stopped overthinking and took a deep breath. "Yeah, you were just so blindingly beautiful that I needed to get your attention," Lance says as he sparkles. Keith gets flustered instantly, looking down shyly. It was just so cute that Lance got flustered with him. "I-I'm just kidding," Lance murmured. 

"Anyway, I didn't know you still sing," Lance mentioned. Keith looked up from the table and his face softened. Lances heart fluttered - just a little- when he saw a side of Keith he's never seen. Not even back in high school.

"Yeah, as you well know, I'm in the Musical Club," Keith answered. He sits up and turns to look at him. "I adore it, actually. Being on stage, singing the songs you practiced and worked your ass off for, the crowd looking at you in admiration. And the music-wow the music is's a part of me. I wouldn't give it up for the world."

Lance sat there listening to Keith, thinking about how he gave up singing for good. He also thought about that day, of course, he wouldn't share that experience just yet.

Music is a part of Lance, he knows. He can't run away from music, it's everywhere. Running from music was like running from himself. But, he preferred it that way, better than him singing as if that incident never happened.   

"Do you still sing," Keith asked. Lance cut off all those thoughts at that moment. A Barista dropped her glass cup and a loud shatter was heard throughout the restaurant. " actually," Lance replied. 

"Why not," Keith asked, still smiling. He looked at Lance, noticing he was ready to cry. Keith grabbed Lance's hand at that moment and dragged him out of the restaurant. 

Keith pulled him, running down the street to a playground along the way. Lance did not look up a single moment, ready to break down instantly. 

They both sat down under the climbing dome. Keith looked at him and reflected on himself. He remembered when his mother would sing whenever he was sad or in pain before she became an alcoholic and drug abuser.

She was someone who healed her son, to someone who beat her son. She'd scream saying he looks just like his father, making scars and cigarette burns on him until the resemblance was gone.

Even then, he still loved her.

She was his world, his guardian, above all his mom. He couldn't hate her. She committed suicide much later, leaving him behind. His dad? Well, who knows where he could be.

But Lance here, curled in a ball, breaking down was just like how Keith was when she added more cigarette burns in his arms. Keith couldn't let this happen. Not this time. And so, he did what his mother did, he sung.

Just close your eyes

Keith hesitated singing, did Lance need this?

The sun is going down

He only met him today for two years back in senior year of high school.

You'll be alright, No one can hurt you now

Lance slowly looked up, crawling to Keith and looking into his eyes. This is the real Lance. The Lance who have had so many walls up, and is slowly opening the small door to get inside.

Come morning light

Keith grabs Lance and hugs him. As corny as this was, Keith didn't have any other options. For some reason, he couldn't just let him break. Of course, Keith admired him. He looked up to him back then. Lance never noticed either, he was still a bonehead.

You and I'll

He then remembered how much he crushed on Lance back then as well. Lance's music was what attracted him at first, but then his personality and his looks came as a package.

Keith crushed on him so hard, that Lance became his priority over those four years in high school. But then, after the Christmas concert, Lance stopped coming to chorus practice.

be safe

Keith later found out that Lance quit chorus. No one explained why. His heart shattered, but he knew he must go on, become a legacy for his mother. For Lance as well.


Keith slowly started patting Lances head, stroking his hair.

Lance already cried, broke down, and shook like a chihuahua. Keith's heart broke just watching Lance be like this.

He decided that whatever was hurting Lance, Keith will be the paladin to chase the monsters away. Keith also realized something: even when Keith tried to forget him, he still liked Lance.


~Song: Safe and Sound by Taylor Swift Feat. The Civil Wars~

Your Song (Klance Chorus AU)- completedWhere stories live. Discover now