Chapter 15

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me lol
I proudly present the new chapter, I apologize for taking so long I am already working on the next chapter so that's great.
Please enjoy!

"So, Allura is apparently your sister," Keith asked after coughing a few times. Lance was sitting at the side of the bed, his bottom barely on the cushions so his boyfriend can have plenty of space on the mattress. The fresh familiar smell of lilac filled the air, with hints of French vanilla.

He nods his head hesitantly, still unsure if this was a dream or a reality.

"Uh- em- well... I think so?"

Keith's red, puffy eyes narrowed and his lips taut. His red button nose compared to his usually pale skin was honestly the cutest thing ever to exist. But that's not the attitude Keith would ever go for or is even presently going for. Lance can tell what his facial expression meant.

"What in the fuck do you mean 'I think so?'"

"I mean, when I was young my mom did say I had an older sister," he replied as his hands slowly moved to Keith's long hair that was currently in a messy bun.

The strands of kitchen hair gently were touched from the tip of Lance's fingertips to his warm palms. The sick boy was slowly leaning into the movements of his lover stroking his silky black hair.

"But whenever I try to ask further questions, she changes the subject. When I asked dad, he told me to never mention her again."
Keith hummed briefly, reaching his hand towards his effortlessly-made bun and releasing the silky black locks with ease. Strand after strand falls down his back.

Lance wondered why Keith had grown his hair out. He was hot back in high school and the girls wanted him. They surprising were infatuated with that mullet he had and the lilac eyes that made even the straight guys enraptured.

Especially a certain bisexual.

But hey, the crush on him wasn't that deep, not until presently.

Well, he's not just a crush anymore either, he's his boyfriend for sure.

The said boyfriend turned his back towards Lance. The Cuban delicately combed through the dark strands with his fingers, careful to not accidentally pull his hair. Next, he split the hair into one small part and two bigger parts. He begins fishtailing his hair.

"Do you believe her?"

"Of course, I do, we have the same eye color. It's pretty rare in Cuba, actually, as far as I know, we're the only Cuban family with blue eyes."

Lance finishes the fishtail braid and ties the end with a rubber band to hold it in place. He then places his hands underneath Keith's chin to lift his face and gives a loving kiss.

"Why does your dad want you to be a doctor so bad," Keith asked, turning back towards Lance.

Lance shrugs and answers, "Something about how we will not live a successful life and support our family financially or whatever."

"I'd sure as hell make a family with you to support."

Keith mentally slaps himself in the face. If only his mind could shut the fuck up sometimes.

He sneezes and blows his nose in a nearby ball of tissue. The smaller boy whines in aggravation.

"Lancey, I don't feel good," Keith cries.

Lance chuckles and grabs Keith's free hand, lacing the fingers together.

"Aw, my pretty princess wants to be babied," he coos.

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