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A lot had happened over the month that I haven't updated and I apologize. 

To start off, I had been making numerous chapters so I can post and finish it all off before New Years, (I'm very close to done) and...


 I'll try posting very frequently so I can finish this Your Song before the holiday break ends.

This will most likely be the story of how the polyamorous relationship came to be.

I recently lost my aunt, and I kinda almost got kicked out of my house so that was a blast. I had exams (I'm a Senior so it's pretty wild). I've been going to my girlfriend's therapy sessions. 

and so on. basically a long ass list like Santa's. 

Merry (late) Christmas! I hope everyone had a great year are prepared for 2019! It'll be a great year so try to make the best out of the rest 2018. I pray that everyone has been well fed and been taking care of themselves!

See you in the next chapter!

Your Song (Klance Chorus AU)- completedWhere stories live. Discover now