Chapter 16

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It was nighttime. Cool breeze could be felt on Keith's bare back, Sending chills up his spine. His eyes opened slowly, Lance in his view of vision. Lance had one arm on the Korean's waist, another underneath Keith's head. The warmth of physical contact was soothing. Such as their love for each other. Their love was not ephemeral. It was eternal, welcoming, a home in its purest form.

But it was new.

Unstable in some areas.

The cause was, hate to admit it,


There were times where they argued about certain things specifying Lotor. For example, Lance compared him to Lotor whenever they fought. The reasons for fighting would be because Lance would try to blame everything on Lotor's death as if he could never be responsible for anything. Another would be because Keith kept smoking in the house. At times it was because of hurtful outburst from Lance, which was unlike him. Keith always got hot-headed and cursed at his ignorant (but lovable) boyfriend for being such an ass.

They never argued liked that when they were friends. So, it often scared Keith at times.
Abandonment was not something that he was fond of. Especially if Lance ever left him.

He sniffled, tears streaming to the arm he laid on so comfortably. If they keep fighting like that, Keith might say something that could really hurt him. And, he never wants to hurt him in any way possible. He's just too good for him. Isn't he?

Maybe it wasn't really Lotor but if it wasn't for his death, Lance wouldn't be like this. However, Keith would never end up being in a relationship with Lance in the first place.

His mind was all over the place. A migraine stinging his head, an arrow to an apple.

What the hell was he thinking right now?

"K-Keith..," Lance called calmly. He wrapped his arms around his smaller boyfriend and placed a warm peck on his forehead.

"What's wrong? If I hurt you-"

"I hate myself," Keith cried. "I hate myself and you deserve so much better than a piece of shit like me. I'm disgusting. I'll never be like him!"

Lance used his free arm to reach for the lamp and turned the dim light on in order to get a somewhat clear view of Keith's face.

"Keith Kogane," Lance sternly says. "Look at me."

The crying boy hesitantly looked up to his lover's beautiful blue eyes. Another tear streamed down his face. Blurred by tears, Lance's face seemed nervous but nurturing. His breathing, which somehow turned into a wheeze, began to relax progressively.

"I don't know what you are thinking right now, but don't be afraid to speak to me about it. We're in this together, remember? You're not alone anymore. And if this is because of our arguments lately, I'm sorry."

Lance rubs Keith's back in corked m circles, the other boy responding by cuddling closer and closing the gap. His heart returned to its normal rate.

"I'm not him, Lancey."

"I know."

"You're an idiot."

"I know."

"Quit comparing me to him."

"I promise, my love"

"kiss me."

Lance moved forward and gave a gentle peck on his boyfriend's soft pink lips. Keith passionately returned it.

The long-haired boy was having his hair down by his hot Cuban boyfriend. Hair French braided and made into a cute bun in the back of his head. A couple strands fell out, but he just wanted Lance to touch him whatever way possible.
"Babe, we haven't been on a date in a while. Wanna go out somewhere," the said Cuban asked his lovely Korean cutie.

Keith let a long hum, displaying that he's thinking about it. He then gives a slight nod and a smile, bright enough to light the room.

"Where do you want to go this time?"

"Hmm," the paler boy replied hesitantly. "I want to the go...hmmm...the beach!"

A smile formed on Lance's face. He'd love to see his cute boyfriend in a swimsuit in that nice hot sun.

Thank you gay gods.
"Because we can nitwit," Pidge replies to Lance without glancing from her Nintendo DS.

"Keith invited us all. He said it would be a great time for us to bond," Shiro explained, Allura laying on one side of Shiro and Matt sleeping on the other side.

"I don't know Shiro that well, but I gotta say he's right, plus I didn't want to miss making the food for our cookout," Hunk explained in a cheerful tone.

Keith walks over to sit on Lance's lap. His legs were crossed and so was his arms. Lance tensed at the sudden contact of Keith's ass rubbing on his own crotch.

"Come on Lance, this is going to be fun. I promise you won't want to forget it," Keith whispered the last sentence in his ear. The dom shivered in his seat like a sub, almost bucking his hips up against Keith.

"No, you gays can go fuck somewhere else. I'm not watching live gay porn okay," Pidge complained.

Hunk covered his face in embarrassment and everyone else paid no mind, especially Coran, who was driving this RV.

I apologize this chapter was pretty short, I knew my free time is gonna be bleh this week so I tried to get as much as I could do for this chapter. Please vote and comment. Also please let me know if I have any grammar errors. Thank you!

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