Chapter 7

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"No fucking way"
"Yes fucking way," Keith answered.
Lance stood in front of the entrance in awe.

There was a large music fair in front of them. People were everywhere, from children to adults alike. Roller coaster rides and hotdog stands filled the spirited atmosphere. Lance grabbed Keith's hand and dragged him to the first ride. It was one of those rides that made you sit in an airplane and fly in the air.

"I don't like heights, Lance," Keith exclaimed. Lance gently rubbed Keith's palms in circles with his thumb.

"Uh, what the fuck are you doing, " Keith asked. Lance chuckled and kissed Keith's hand, making eye contact as he did so.

"Making the fear go away," Lance answered. Keith blushed ear to ear until they got on the ride. Keith held on to Lance's hand tighter, silently saying his prayer to whatever God that may exist.
"Relax, buddy, " Lance said as he laughed.

The ride began to go up and Keith was not having it. He squealed many curse words since the ride started. "Holy fucking quiznak shit bitch hell damn-"

Lance kissed Keith's cheek. Keith's eyes widened and glanced at Lance. "I'm here with you, remember, " Lance reminded. Keith felt complete relief from being told that.

No one was really there with him as he grew up. Sure, his mom was but only for a short while. Ever since she died, he had been on his own. No companions or friends of the sort.

He didn't even know any other family members, so he assumed they were dead. One other person was his legal guardian, Shiro, who worked too often in order provide for both of them.

Keith wondered how Shiro had been. Keith hasn't kept contact since he got into college. He kept a mental memo to call him when he gets home.


"So do you prefer saying peanut butter and jelly or vice-versa," Lance asked as he offered Keith a bite. Keith grabbed Lance's arm and pulled it down more so he could bite the sandwich.

"What the hell? Obviously Jelly and Peanut Butter," Keith replied with his mouth full.

Keith continued walking until he realized that Lance wasn't walking next to him anymore. He turned around, finding Lance standing there and staring back at Keith.

"Holy shit he's going to be my bride," Lance thought. Keith tilted his head to the side in confusion. "Did I say something wrong," Keith asked hesitantly. Lance's face was a light tinted red.

"Uh, no actually I was looking at the big stage over there," he lied as he pointed towards the stage.

The stage lighted the darkness in the amusement park. There was a very large crowd in front of it. You could hear screams and cheers from where Keith and Lance were standing, which was pretty far. Keith instantly grabbed Lance's hand and dragged him towards the crowd.

When they made it, gasping for air from all the running they just did, they saw two people on stage. There was a white-haired woman with brown chestnut skin and a man with orange hair and an orange mustache. They both had microphones in their hands, hyping up the audience.

"How is everyone feeling tonight," the girl yells. "I'm Allura and this is Coran as your host for music bash!"

"Good evening everyone, today we're going to choose a participant from the crowd to sing us a song," Coran explains. "Who would like to volunteer?"

Many hands were up, pleading to be chosen from the audience. Keith dragged Lance into the front and pointed towards Lance. "

"THIS GUY WANTS TO GO," Keith cried loudly. "Keith no-"

"Alright then," Coran says as he hands the mic to Lance. Lance gets instantly pulled on the stage before he can even reject.

He is asked his name and he answers. "Everybody give Lance a hand," Allura yells as she and Coran leave the stage. Lance awkwardly stands on the stage. He looks down at Keith, who is smiling and waiting for him to sing.

With that kitten face, Lance just can't refuse Keith. "It's just one song right..," Lance mentally asks himself.

He takes a deep breath, knowing what song he should sing right away.

Lance: Boy, I can see the way you dancing, move that body

Keith grabs the microphone that was left on the stage and climbs on stage. There is no way in hell that he could miss a chance like this to perform a duo with his role model. Yep, as much as Keith hates admitting it, he looked up to Lance back in high school. Lance's voice was like an angel with a song. He looked up to Lance so much that he just had to become the rival. Lance misunderstood it back then, thinking that Keith hated him. Boy, was he wrong.

Lance: I know it's crazy, but I feel like you could be
The one that I've been chasing in my dreams

Keith: Boy, I can see you're looking at me like you want it
Oh, usually I'm like, "Whatever," but tonight
The way you moving got me, "Where am I?"

Klance: It started when I looked in her eyes I got close and I'm like "Bailemos' Hey

Lance: La noche esta para un reggaeton lento
De esos que no se bailan hace tiempo
Yo solo la mire y me gusto

Klance: me peque y la invite: Bailemos? hey

Keith: So now we're dancing un reggaeton lento
Just get a little closer, baby, let go

~Reggaeton lento- CNCO, Little Mix~

Your Song (Klance Chorus AU)- completedWhere stories live. Discover now