Ch 1

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* This will contain smut *
Takes place after Crackstone events + Weems is alive
This is being written on a phone so please excuse the format

Wednesday pov

I found myself making my way to Xavier's room deep in the night, I made sure Thing was tucked away sleeping peacefully with Enid before sneaking out. Every night for weeks I've been plagued by this sudden burning feeling in the pit of my stomach it's like I'm anxious but it also tickles? I don't know how to describe it but the only person that comes to mind when I feel like this is Xavier, I'm hoping that means he can give me some advice to control it even if it means giving him a win because I need him. I've been scared to tell Enid who knows what crazy tangent I'd be dragged into about it.
It's currently 3 am and I've made my way through the boys dorm halls quietly and knocked on his door, I was worried he wouldn't answer since it was so late but as I went for a second knock the door opened. And there I was standing in front of Xavier hand up ready to knock again as if I was desperate but I guess in a way I am. "Wednesday? The hell are you doing here at this hour. Get in here before someone sees you." Xavier said confused and dragged me in. His slight touch on my shoulder would normally make me want to punch him but right now it just made my heart skip a beat.
"Okay so obviously you need something you wouldn't show up in my dorm alone for no reason. Are you okay you seem really distressed?" He asked me
"You might think I'm crazy." I responded
"No I know you're crazy it's one of the things I like about you." Again making my heart skip its driving me crazy I just have to spit it out, I started pacing in front of him and just told him, "I don't know Xavier I'm not used to feeling thing but recently I've been tormented by this burning sensation that starts in my stomach and creeps around my body and it feels like I'm anxious but in a way it feels good, again I know this is crazy but I don't know how to identify the emotion. I haven't asked Enid yet because everytime I start to feel like this I get this feeling that you can help me and I'm finally giving into it so here I am." I pretty much word vomited on him.
"So let me get this straight, you have this burning nervous feeling in your stomach that makes your whole body tingle? And you're not sick? And the only thing you can think of while you feel like this is coming to me to help you, and you gave in at 3 in the morning?" He reiterated to me.
"So you do think I'm crazy." I asked
"Oh no Wednesday I don't think you're crazy at all" He smirked and walked over to me, "Mind if I touch you somewhere?" He asked and reluctantly I nodded. He placed a hand on the back of my neck and the other on my waist causing my heart to beat rapidly, tilting my chin up with his thumb he leans down and gets close to my face and says, "I think you're horny." He brushed past my lip and I looked up at him and said, "Well I don't know what that means so how to we fix it." I'm all flustered now and can't think straight.
He pulled back with a puzzled look on his face and laughed a little, "I'm surprised your parents skipped that talk with you considering, but alright I'll explain it for you. It's a feeling you get when you need someone and I don't mean in a normal way I mean in a way of desire. I'm assuming they skipped the sex talk too so I can give that to you now too unless you wanna take care of 'this funny feeling' and I can just show you." He chuckled again by now I realized he's not wearing a shirt and his messy hair is messing with my head and heart, "I think we have a different feeling maybe I just have the flu," I responded
"Then by all means come relax I wouldn't want to make you feel worse," he said with that evil smile, I can't lie it was attractive.
I sat in his bed, I'm only wearing a sweater and some shorts that I usually have for sleeping. He followed be over and put a hand on my back and sat with me, "Well I'm not dead so I'm assuming you don't mind me touching you right now," he asked and I shook my head it felt good. I would have smacked myself for thinking this a few months ago. "Then you won't mind this?," he replaced the hand on my neck and started dragging his hand along my face an body, "ya know it's funny, you say you have the flu but you're cool to the touch, and we know you're not above having a fever." He was right about that I've been sick before, "Weird because the burning and tingling is getting stronger." I responded
"I don't think it's weird I think I was right the first time." He traced his hand down my waist and grabbed my hand, I felt too weak to resist as he pulled it toward him forced me touch him, this pulled us very close, "Still okay with this Wens?" He asked for my consent again and I nodded once again giving it to him, I don't know what's coming over me but it's so strong.
"Good girl thank you, maybe it's time you learn then what I was talking about." He said moving his hand back to me to grip my waist band. I kept my hand on him though, "Take it slow please." I asked him softly, it was unlike me to feel this helpless, I fought Crackstone almost completely on my own and I didn't back down. Xavier holding my face so close to his though was now my weakness, "Of course my little spider, seeing you like this is rare I want to savor it. And I'm still allowed to touch you anywhere?" He asked me once again, "Yes Xavier, please."
Soon as the words please left my mouth he pushed the little space between our faces away and smashed his lips into mine, unlike my kiss with Tyler, this one with Xavier was passionate, calming and I felt that burning like never before, it even started feeling good.
He pulled the kiss away and smirked at me, he grabbed me by my legs and pulled me onto his lap so I could feel his erection growing up against me, it was bigger than I imaged. Not that I was thinking about it.
"Well look at that Wednesday now I have that burning feeling for you." He bit his lip and teased, god I want to tease him back but I have no idea what I'm doing. I guess I'll let him have this win and take control. "And what are you going to do about it Xavier?" I managed to tease back. His eyebrow shot up but his smile didn't fade, "So you wanna play that game," he pulled me back in by the neck again and kissed me hard, I kissed him harder this time I needed this so bad now.
I could feel the smile on his lips grow as a quiet moan escaped my mouth, "ah ah ah Wednesday, you have to be quiet right now if you want this." I nodded and expected him to go back to kissing my but instead he went for my neck, biting it like a vampire and sucking hard enough I would think he drew blood. I love it though and another slightly louder moan slipped out but he didn't waist his time scolding me again. Instead he took the hand from my neck and placed it over my mouth.
He continued to leave his marks all over my body and pushing me down on his fully erect penis. The tension was killing me now,
"Xavier p-please" I stuttered out
"Please what Wens, what do you want me to do?" He teased, that jerk
"Come on Xavier don't make me say it." I cried out again
He put his hand back on my mouth to muffle my begs, "So now you wanna be shy with me, wish you were when you put me in jail. I think I'll get my 'revenge' for that now, what do you say darling do you want me to take you. I'll make it nice and painful that way you like."
I nodded and he placed another hickey just under my jaw and he laughed before grabbing me by the neck and forcing me on the bottom. Continuing to choke me he started slowly pulling my shorts and underwear off, not even breaking eye contact. "I know you're beautiful down there," and he jumped down and started kissing my legs and leaving hickeys on my stomach and thighs like a mosquito. He then moved onto eating me out and it felt amazing, the build up was amazing but cut short, "My turn for some action now," he said and took his pants off now leaving us fully naked in front of each other, "god you're beautiful," we both said in unison, I think I surprised him because he pulled me back into a slow kiss. "You ready?" He asked one more time and I nodded yes to him.
He laid me down and positioned himself above me ready to get started with the main event, "It's going to hurt for a second love so bear with me for a minute," he warned me "It better" I responded, he help my hand softly and slowly started putting it in. He was right this did hurt, I tightened my grip on his hand for a moment while he got it all in, when he finally did the pain went away and he started making it feel better for us.
He came in close and kissed me one more time, "remember Wednesday, try to keep quiet." I nodded and he continued by grabbing my hips and angling my body up towards his. He continued thrusting for a while filling me with the pleasure I've been dying for for weeks. We continued like this for around twenty minute just getting to know each other's bodies and what we liked but the pressure started building for me and I started panting hard. I was fighting off moaning as hard as I could but a few escaped regardless, "One more minute Wens stick with me," I felt his breathing pick up and I held back until I couldn't take it anymore and just let all that pressure go at the same time he did. It felt amazing and exhausting, he collapsed on top of me and shared another soft kiss for a few minutes.
"Not to ruin the moment but I'm assuming if you didn't even know you're horny you probably don't know you're supposed to pee after sex," Xavier informed me
"Well I'd get up and do that but I can't move or feel my legs right now." I responded and he laughed harder than I think I've ever seen,
"Alright hang on for a second I'm pretty winded too," he got up and out his underwear on before coming to the other side of the bed and scooping me up into his arms and bringing me to the bathroom. "You're probably gonna wanna sit there for a minute too it gets messy to clean up," he advised once again. I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks in embarrassment, "I'll give you some privacy let me know if you need me." He said and shut the door behind him.
I can't believe that just happened, I wanted it so back, I want him so bad. Do I like him? Oh god I love him, but I'm not love material though. I thought to myself while I cleaned up. I finished up and washed my hands before shakily walking back to his bed. "No way am I letting you walk back to your dorm right now so don't ask." He said sternly but I didn't argue I just got in bed with him, laid my head on his chest and passed out wrapped in Xavier's arms.
Never thought I'd be in this position but god it felt so good to be his.

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