Ch 18

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Coming up on another trial day, now seven weeks pregnant it's time for Eugene to give a statement about what he knows. I've been called on and off when I'm needed since the beginning but fortunately he's not needed more than once. It would be cruel to make him do this more than once and I wouldn't stand for it if they tried.
He rode on the shuttle with me and Xavier, no need for Enid today unfortunately but that's becoming normal as her part is basically over. Like Xavier, she's come to support me some days but not all of them like him. Weems has been keeping and eye on us, probably suspecting something is going on between us but has kept quiet. "Is it scary Wednesday?" Eugene asked me. He reminds me of Pugsley, small, helpless and always scared. It's what I like most about him, "For me no, for you probably. But don't worry he can't get you again." I reassured him and surprisingly he went in to hug me which i reciprocated, I wonder if he noticed? "I'll try to be strong for you two." He claimed. I smiled at his confidence and exchanged a look with Xavier not for permission but to tell him what I'm going to do. He nodded smiled and I turned back around to Eugene.
"You'll have to be strong for three of us." I told him.
"Three?" He asked puzzled.
"You can't tell anyone what I'm going to tell you. But yes you can tell the bees." I told him and he nodded.
"We're having a baby, Xavier and I. The third person would be our child." I told him and he stared in disbelief for a moment before saying, "The bees are gonna be SO excited. They've been waiting for you two to get together." Xavier laughed at this and I gave another small smile while I gave Eugene another hug.
   In the courthouse we greeted the Sherriff and made our way to our seats. As usual i walked off to find the bathroom, Xavier offered to come but we're still keeping a lower profile so I said no. However the sherriff followed me there, waiting on the outside he greeted me, "another day Addams how are you? Been doing alright?" He asked.
"Can't say this is the easiest thing I've done but 'we're' doing alright." Referring to me as two people felt odd but I guess it's the truth.
"Looks like you've gotten more used to it though. I know these last few weeks had to have been a lot of telling people." He replied.
"Actually no, only Enid, Xavier, thing and Eugene know. I told Eugene in the car ride here." I explained.
"Oh? Not your parents yet?" He questioned.
"Xavier's dad might kill him and I'd rather tell my family in person. It would be better to see the disappointment in person." I explained again.
"I support waiting until you can tell them in person but they won't be disappointed, those two are lucky you weren't created sooner." He joked, "They were and still are the most loving couple I've ever met. Kinda ironic considering the death and Witchery but we've made amends I've moved on." He explained again and I stared for a moment.
"What I'm getting at is they'll love you either way and they'll probably love your little one even more. And for Xavier? Well Morticia loves the Thorpe's she's gonna be thrilled."  His reassurance was comforting in a way I didn't know I needed. Kinda surprising how nice he is being considering everything we've been through.
"Thank you Sheriff, you're a good man." I replied. He held his head down and smiled, "I also have these for you. Just in case you needed more or any." They were vitamins for pregnant women, "To help keep us healthy?" I questioned and he nodded.
"Thank you again, I'm glad bitterness hasn't consumed you. I expect you to stay in my child's life after they're born, possibly as an uncle. You deserve another chance to take care of a baby." I offered him and I could see his eyes well up with tears, "I'd be honored Wednesday." He put a hand on my shoulder, I could tell how much this means to him. I was going out on a limb for this, my normal character would never but I won't be back to normal for a long time.
   We walked back to the courtroom once again and I was sat back with Xavier, it was Eugene's turn to talk so I squeezed Xavier's hands to tell him I'm okay and nervous.
"Alright Eugene tell us what happened." The judge insisted.
"It was the night of the Rave'N dance, Wednesday and I were supposed to go out exploring and looking for the Hyde but Tyler came to her door to take her to the dance as some kind of surprise. She told me not to go alone but I wanted to make her proud so I did. I made it out to a cave when I was suddenly attacked," he started to cry which broke my heart, I could see Tyler smiling at the sight which further infuriated me. "It's okay take your time." The judge insisted, "last think I remember was seeing a pair of red boot, belonging to Mrs. Thornhill next to the monster. Then I was in a hospital weeks later." He finished. The room was heavy with the feeling of disgust for his actions.
"Thank you Eugene, you've been very helpful." He was dismissed without any questions and returned to his spot with me.
  Everyone knows I have a soft spot of him so it wasn't out of the ordinary when I accepted his hug, he was so tense and scared. I scooted is closer to Xavier and he gave Eugene a comforting pat on the head and me another leg squeeze.
   The room emptied out a short while after Eugene spoke, they should be coming up on a verdict soon but they need Laurels location first. I think they should interrogate him again, maybe torture him more as well. I don't want to have to be seen here with my growing belly soon so they better start wrapping up.
   Eugene got on the shuttle back and Xavier and I stayed behind. I wanted to eat and he of course wanted to make my happy. We made our way over to a diner we've been to once or twice together and sat down.
"Alright what would the lovely couple want today," our usual waitress greeted us, I guess it wouldn't be worth trying to pretend we weren't to a stranger.  I ordered my usual sandwich, grilled chicken with this special sauce this diner had, and a salad for lunch and Xavier did similar.
  "The sheriff gave me some vitamins to keep our baby healthy," I told Xavier.
"Oh? Do we trust him?" I forgot I haven't filled him in.
"Yes very much actually, he helped me when I snuck out at 2am to buy the pregnancy tests, checks on me when I'm around. He's heartbroken over Tyler. He made amends with my dad and I'll make mine with him as well." I explained.
"Ah I did not know that, you need to tell me more stuff." He joked, "But I'm glad you guys made up the less stress for you the better." 
  Having him always be so understanding is such a relief I always thought I'd ruin any other relationships. He was patient pursuing me, loves me unconditionally and takes care of all my issues even when I'm going through something. I don't want to admit he's like my father but it makes me think our relationship was destined to be. Everything we've gone through and he's still here.
"You're a good man Xavier." I surprised him.
"What makes you say that suddenly?" He asked me.
"Everything you've done for me, I can't help but feel that the stars wanted us together." I said back.
I could see the love in his eyes when I said this, "Good because I want us forever." He said gently, "The stars probably got you pregnant so you would stop running away from me." He laughed back to me. I couldn't help but let a real laugh leave my mouth and share his amusement for the moment.

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