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  *Several hours later*
        The doctors confirmed that I was in-fact having my baby that day. Due to my eating disorder in the past it was making my body struggle to carry this baby any longer. They induced me and we're trying to wait for this to happen naturally. And see if Xavier gets here on time.
     Just as I finished that thought the phone rang. Praying it was his I answered without even checking the caller ID "Xavier?!!" I said frantically.
"Omg no Wens it's Enid what's wrong?" I've never been so relieved yet so annoyed to hear her voice. I can't believe I forgot to call her in the middle of this whole crisis.
"ENID! Oh my god. I'm having the baby, where the hell is Xavier?" I replied
"OMG RIGHT NOW WEDNESDAY. I don't know where he is. Last time I talked to him he said something about wanting to plan the best Valentine's Day ever for you. I don't see why that would keep him from his phone."
"Oh my that is just like him. He needs to drop the sappy behavior and get over here right now."
"I'll go find him. Or should I go to you. Oh no what do I do?" She panicked.
"Enid calm down, call principal Weems and tell her to find Xavier. You need to get your ass over here right now. I need at least one of you." I finished before having up the call.
    My dad had left the room for the moment to get food for him and my mom so it was just us in here now. I'm not so bothered by the pain just worried about Xavier. And now the life I'm going to need to conform to now that I have to be a mother. 
"Are you okay darling? The first one is always the hardest." My mom asked
"I'm fine I quite like the pain I just don't like not knowing where Xavier is. Enid is on her way here now." I replied
"Well you'll at least have her here although I'm sure Xavier will get here in time."
"You're more of an optimist than I ever wanna be." I replied once more.
*Two more hours later*
     My contractions are getting closer, I will be having this baby soon. Enid practically came rolling in when she got here and had been obsessing over me every second since.
    I'm trying to keep it together but I've still heard nothing from Xavier or Weems. The thought of something being wrong with him or him leaving me is just so much. I already lost him once I don't know what I'd do if I lost him again.
"Oh no Wens you're crying are you in pain?" Enid cried out to me
"Sweetheart, our Wednesday doesn't cry in pain. Her heart longs for him." My mother told Enid, placing a loving hand on my best friends shoulder.
"Shut up both of you I'm hormonal." I scoffed back as I wiped my tears.
"That's my little girl." My dad cried
*one more hour later*
    "You're fully dialed Mrs Addams, this baby needs to come now." The doctor instructed
"Five more minutes please" I begged
"Fine but any longer and you'll risk the babies life. She's going to be premature and we'll need to get her to the NICU immediately after" She told me strictly
   I don't have Xavier here and my baby is going to be ripped away from me. This couldn't be worse. I put my hands on my belly attempting to feel her life inside of me, she was weak but felt healthy for her size which eased my mind a bit.
   I didn't want to risk her health anymore and paged the doctor to come in and start the process. I was reluctant but I want to feel my baby outside of my stomach.
   Just as she was coming back I heard foot steps rushing down the hallway and stumble through the door. "Oh my god Wednesday, I could not be more sorry. My phone was dead and I was in my home studio because I needed a special material that I only had there. Weems called my dad and he was reluctant to give me the phone." He word vomited on me
"It's fine just shut up I need to have her now." I replied
"Now?! It's so early." He panicked
"I know I know we'll talk after." I nearly yelled at him. He promptly took his place opposite my mom by my side. Enid sat with my dad and just listened to the doctor say, "Alright Wednesday we're going start now..."
*Several long minutes later*
Her cries echoed through the hallway. They were soft and quiet. She was here, that's feeling of life I had inside of me so the last eight months was right here. The doctors allowed her on my chest for a few minutes before dragging her off to the NICU. Not even Xavier got the chance to hold her. I could feel the room cheering and celebrating. Another Addams. She's keeping my last name, it's cooler than Thorpe.
My dad dragged Xavier out while the doctors tended to my wounds and gave him what I'm assuming was a stern talking to. Enid and my mother remained at side. I was silent. No crying or whining just quiet. I need to talk to Xavier. I need to see my baby whose life was at risk because of my own eating disorder. I need to name her. So much on my mind.
  In that moment he came back in and my dad shuffled my mother and Enid out. "Let's go see our grand baby Tish. Come Enid you too." He insisted. I could see the tears of joy in his eyes.
"I'm just going to let you talk Xavier. Explain before I say anything mean." I said to him
"Look Wens I know with everything going on you probably didn't realize it was Valentine's Day. I wanted to give you the best Valentine's Day I could so I was going to surprise you with a special painting tonight but I needed to go home for a special Type of material." He finished
"What was so special about it that would couldn't have put it down to change your phone. I don't care how much time we had left you had a pregnant girlfriend. Your phone should always be on you." I replied
"I know I know and it usually is. I'm sorry. I'll have this painting for you when you're home I promise."
I was too tired to argue that so I just laid there and closed my eyes for a while, "You did great though Wednesday. I truly love you. I love our daughter. And I can't wait for the future to come together. He whispered to me while brushing my hair out of my face. I turned to him, gently opening my eyes back up to look into his, "I love you too Xavier." I replied before moving in to kiss him slowly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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