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   I was done for now, about to get gutted by Tyler Galpin, I'll never meet my daughter, or see Xavier again. My family will be crushed. Nevermore will mourn for whatever reason. Everything I've done and all my growth gone in a flash. I always knew my death would be creative.
"Wednesday no!" I heard a familiar voice scream, I was swept up in an effortless blur, then there was a gunshot that hit Tyler deep in the chest and he screamed in agony. When I finally got my whits about me I turned to see a blue color coursing through the Hyde's skin and his shape was falling apart as he turned back into a human.
"What the hell did you do to me. Who shot me?" He screamed.
"I did son, you won't be hurting anyone anymore." It was sherif Galpin who finally reappeared in the court room.
   I finally got a look at my savior and it was non other than Xavier Thorpe, "Oh my god." I said and wrapped my arms tightly around his shoulders
   He finally put me down and got a better look at me, "Oh my god Wens, I feel like I've missed so much." He cried and gave me a proper hug.
"Now is not the time to think you're safe Wednesday, you need to stop ruining my plans." Laurel chimed in. "And how the hell we none of you paralyzed?"
"I drink my coffee black, couldn't be paralyzed if it was in the creamer."
"Can't drink coffee I'm pregnant." I replied.
"I wasn't even here." Xavier finished.
Galpin pointed his gun at her ready to end this once and for all and Laurel raised hers back in a stand off. Xavier grabbed me and ran behind a chair to watch. However I couldn't stand idoly and let the sherif risk getting shot. He's done too much for me.
I haven't even processed that Xavier is sitting next to me for the first time in three months. I never want to leave his side again, I couldn't help but hold him tightly as I planned my next move. Then I remembered my serum, it's incredibly toxic to normies, due to its concentration of nightshade poison. I just need to get to Laurel and stick it in her back.
I let go of Xavier's hand and gave him the "I have a plan" Look, he shook his head and held me tighter. It hurt to break away from his grasp but I shook him off, gave him a kiss and ran.
Her back was facing me making it easy to get behind her. That's when I stuck her, right in her spine and pushed the syringe down. She screamed the most blood chilling scream I've heard a person make before falling to the floor and turning blue. "Fuck you Wednesday Addams." She forced out before taking her dying breath.
     The sherif sighed in relief and ran over to his son who was now crying in agony.
"Dad I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. This Hyde is a curse." He cried to his father.
"I know son I'm sorry it hurts." Galpin replied
"Are you going to save me dad?"
I walked over to the two of the followed by Xavier.
"Wednesday I'm sorry, so fucking sorry. I almost hurt you more. I almost killed you." He said to me.
"Tell me Tyler, how does it feel?" I asked him
"How does what feel?" He asked back
"How does it feel to lose?" I smiled kicking the words back at him.
"It hurts Wednesday. I'm cursed, forgive me please."
"No Tyler I will not. All would have been forgiven if you didn't almost kill my unborn daughter." I replied
"God I can't believe you of all people got pregnant so young. Nice job Thorpe." He joked
    Xavier didn't appreciate the joke and scoffed at Tyler's attempt at humor.
"Let me help you son, I'm sorry for this." Galpin said to Tyler
"Tyler, you are cursed, this is a curse i do not pity. An unbreakable trap. You'll never be free of the violence and pain that it is causing you and the people around you until it inevitably kills you. It will be the karma you've earned." I said to him before turning my back and going to my friends. I don't know if Tyler will survive his injuries but i will be turning over the chemical I used to subdue him for their future use if needed.
Everyone was beginning to wake up from their paralysis including the officers that immediately ran to handcuff Tyler and take him to a hospital as well as Laurel who was now dead. My work here once again is done.
Enid, Bianca and Weems looked very weak but managed their ways back to the car for the trip home. All were excited to see Xavier but not as excited or confused as me. I didn't want to let him go ever again.
I helped Bianca to her room and got Enid back to ours so she could sleep off the rest of the poison but all was going to be okay for them. Thing was so worried when he saw Enid he didn't even notice Xavier enter the room with us and ran straight to her bedside, "she'll be okay Thing, she just needs to sleep it off." I told him.
    After dropping them off Xavier and I went back to his old room for some privacy. It was still his, no one recieved it while he was gone. Although it was empty it was still his room and it gave us a place to talk about everything that's happened since he was stolen from me.

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