Ch 9

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  Xavier left alone this time since I still had a sickly feeling in my stomach and just wanted to be alone with it, or at most with Enid and thing. "We've got this Wens, just a few more weeks until this is over. I hope." Enid said as her last words of the night. "We can only hope this trial is quick but I fear it won't fit smoothly." I responded from my place in bed. "We've had enough worrying about it today, wanna call it a night early?" She asked
"Yes please." I responded.
Enid quickly fell asleep with Thing but I tossed and turned for hours before getting to sleep, hopefully I get a normal nightmare at least.
  Fortunately morning came quickly but unfortunately I once again felt the need to throw up so I ran to the bathroom and emptied my already empty body. I was quickly followed but Thing who came in and rubbed my back. "Omg Wednesday are you okay?!." Enid panicked as she walked in and saw my lifeless body sitting by the edge of the toilet. "Yeah I'm fine. My body's just really...really weak." I admitted. "I haven't eaten in over a week Enid. I wanted to get better but the stress is getting to me. I haven't wanted anything and I've barely felt hungry." I feel like a shell of my former self telling her this. "Wednesday. I-" she stopped, probably unable to find the words to say. She just leaned me away from the bowl and hugged me. "We'll take care of you today." She said sadly.
I was pulled up from the floor and I stumbled back onto the toilet weakly, "Can you hand me a cup of water?" I asked her and she did just that. I used it to rinse my mouth and throat before trying to get up and officially brush my teeth. After that I forced myself into the shower and let myself cry a little bit alone one more time, "It's just a bad few days." I told myself trying to collect myself and finish up.
  I ended up taking a while to shower and I emerged from the bathroom in my black and white checkered top, white button down, black pants and platform shoes. I kept it casual today rather than bothering with my uniform. Enid, Xavier and I have a loose requirement to go to class for the time being due to this trail, Weems figured it was better for us to prepare emotionally and clearly I needed it.
  I sat with Enid as she waited on my side of the room for me. I attempted to brush it down but I had very little arm strength left at the moment, "Let me take care of your hair today Wens." Enid offered, for a moment I shot her a "touch my hair and die" look but I would rather not go out with my hair down because I can't take care of myself, "Fine but be careful with it."  I sat myself on the floor and let Enid figure out my braids, she went for a Dutch braid starting at the top of my head rather than my normal pigtail braids. "All done Wednesday, I see I did it a little different sorry." She said excitingly and handed me a mirror, "This will do for now, thank you Enid you did good." I gave her the bit of praise she wanted and went to go stand outside.
  She followed me to get some air, "Did you tell Xavier?" I asked her
"Do you think if I told him he wouldn't be here right now, I figured you wouldn't want me to." She answered
"Thank you, I don't want to worry him right now."
  Not sure what to do we made our way down to the quad for breakfast, everyone is in class so it was basically empty. No sign of Xavier so I can only assume he's either still asleep, working on something or actually attended class. I hope he didn't attend or he'll know Enid and I never showed. I'm feeling a little better from earlier but I'm still neaseauos and I'm struggling to find my appetite. I went over to the cafeteria with Enid to see what I could get for food, I passed by waffles, eggs, bacon and a lot of things that looked good but I couldn't get my appetite behind any of them and settled on some toast. "You're having more than that today," Enid said when we sat down
"I know I just still don't feel well so I'm taking it easy." I responded
"Taking it easy? Wow who are you and what have you done with my Wednesday?" She asked as a joke. We continued on with our breakfast avoiding the Tyler conversation but with how much she talks about Ajax that was pretty easy. I ended up getting som extra toast and I was able to stomach a muffin as well. It felt like a lot to me but I know it wasn't.
  I was really dragging today now, "I need coffee Enid." I told her
"I feel like going to Jericho may not be the best idea." She replied
"I'm not known for my good ideas." I said back
"And that exactly why we're not going." She replied before dragging me back to our room.
  There's really not much to do when you feel like shit I guess, "I want to see Xavier," I told Enid.
"He can come over, are you going to talk to him about the eating issue?" She offered and asked
"No and for that reason I can have him over, not yet at least."
  If been a few more hours now so Enid ordered us a pizza which didn't feel appetizing at first but I was still able to eat two slices and a small salad. I felt a bit of the life start to re-enter my body and I felt like my properly dead self  for a little while. I was starting to get the cramps and nausea again but I pushed it off and went outside to play my cello on my own.
I let myself get lost in the music as always, I felt ignorant of all my problems, the trail, the eating, the boyfriend I've been ignoring, "Oops" and like it was on  queue I heard the familiar knock from the other side of my window trying to make me come back inside. "Hello Xavier," I flashed a quick smile and he met me on my balcony rather than having me come in. I hugged him first, "Wednesday?" He questioned, not for the hug but for all the questions I knew he wanted to ask me about my day. It was strange even for me.

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