Ch 26

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"I know you have something to tell me you have something to tell me Xavier." His father said over the phone.
"I'm not telling you anything before I see you dad. You said you be here this weekend and you weren't."
"Sounds like it's important then. Does it have anything to do with a girlfriend?" He asked again.
"Your psychic abilities are as sharp as ever but like I said make the effort to come here and I'll talk to you." Xavier replied back.
"If you won't tell me now then I'll see you soon son." He said and the phone clicked off.
I could see the shock and confusion on my boyfriends face as he processed the phone call he just had. I curled up to him in the taxi and gave him a sometime to gather his thoughts.
"Dad of the year I have I guess." He sighed back.
"Do you think he'll actually come here?" I asked back.
"I want to say I hope not but I think he is this time. I just wish he wouldn't send mixed signals. Unlike him I can't read minds."
The driver let us out of the car in front of a restaurant but we decided to keep the trip short and get sandwiches and take them back to school instead. Our plan on keeping our daughter a secret unravels more and more everyday.
We made our way back to my dorm to see Enid and Thing hanging out and I painting each others nails. "Welcome back you two." She said cheerfully. Xavier flopped onto my bed and sighed loudly. "Never thought I'd be happier to be in this room." I told Enid and proceeded to fill her in on everything that just happened.
"Never a dull moment for you guys." Enid replied.
"You're telling me." Xavier and I said in unison.
I took my place in bed and finally started eating, I've smacked throughout the day but my poor baby is so hungry, I hope I become a better mom than I'm being right now. Xavier put a comforting hand on my leg, he picked up on my sad feeling again.
"Xavier are you sure you don't have stronger psychic abilities?" I finally asked him.
"Not that I'm aware of why?" He replied.
"I know you always know what I'm feeling." I explained.
"I don't know, I guess I just know you."
"No one knows me I have no emotion." I replied.
"You have a lot of emotions I can tell. Wait. Shit you might be right, I guess I'll talk to my dad when he's here about it." He replied finally seeing my point.
The next morning came and I woke up with Xavier and Thing in my bed as usual now. It is early and I am hungry but I'm trapped in this bed so I did what any reasonable girlfriend would do. Woke his ass up for breakfast. It took him a minute to respond to me shaking him but he eventually did and greeted me happily. "Good morning Wens." He smiled.
"Good morning Xavier. Please come get breakfast with me." I got straight to the point. He dropped his head back on my pillows and laughed softly, "Anything for you."
We kept it casual only getting ready to get food and go back to our dorms go actually get dressed. Both in sweatpants and baggy sweaters we walked to the cafeteria. There were a few people there who turned to us but looked away otherwise it was peaceful. Finally having a bit of an appetite I got myself a few waffles, toast, a muffin, bacon and orange juice. I look like a pregnant woman that's for sure. "You sure that'll be okay you haven't eaten much recently." Xavier warned
"You're right but I'll try to take it slow. Anything I don't want she's going to want." I whispered back.
As promised I ate slowly and I had to stop myself a few times before I tried devouring it. Xavier was sat by my side eating a significantly smaller meal and kept an eye out for familiar faces. I haven't heard from my parents yet today, I'm assuming they went to sleep late in the night and will be awake sometime later like vampires. The meal satisfied me and I've been feeling little kicks of happiness from the baby. She's been very active whenever Xavier is around, I'm assuming it's due to the love she already has for him.
We went back to Xavier's dorm before it got busier out and laid down together, I woke us up very early to eat unfortunately. Breakfast made me look so bloated, if I didn't know myself any better I'd think I was 6 month pregnant. Xavier was admiring from his bathroom door, he got up to go to the bathroom and watched me in his bed. I was sat up again his bed frame and mindlessly rubbing my hands on my belly before noticed him.
He only watched for a moment before joining me in his bed. I was straddled underneath him and being pulled into a gentle kiss. His hands on my belly were comforting and felt good, "I love you Wednesday." He slipped out while kissing me, his words filled my mouth like the warm air you feel after rain. I pulled him closer to me and whispered it back into his mouth. What bliss.
   He curled up next to me and continued leaving soft kisses on my body. Nothing could ruin this moment, or so I thought. A knock at the door interrupted us so Xavier went to see who it is. I pulled the blanket over my body to cover my belly from the person behind the door. Assuming it was Ajax or something he opened it slowly, "Hey bud what's u- you're not Ajax."  Xavier said frantically. The man stood in the doorway tall, thin, his hair brown and slicked back. "Hello son it's nice to see you too." Vincent Thorpe stood in the doorway with his eyes locked on his son.

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