Ch 35

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The months were growing long now, shortly after I entered my eighth month of the pregnancy and it was getting more and more difficult everyday to move and work. I went on a hiatus at school shortly after the events that took place in the courtroom.  Considering the so called trauma I'm supposed to have from the  situation Weems decided it was best I have an "extended maternity leave" or something.
    I've spent my time between Nevermore and home. Xavier was working hard to finish school and graduate early. Despite that fact that I come from a very wealthy family he wants to work hard for our little family.
    I miss him when I'm away at home even if it's just for the occasional doctors visit however I have been advised to keep travel to a minimum now that I'm closer to my delivery date. I hate to admit it but I'm quite large for my size. Unlike my mother whose more mature body handled pregnancy significantly easier than mine. I won't admit that though. Maybe if I were older I'd handle it better but hopefully this will be my one and only child.
   Currently I'm at home alone, just me and maybe Thing scurrying around the house. Xavier at school finishing up what's left of the credits he needs to earn. I am just stuck here in bed, honestly it feels disgusting. I can't wait for this to be over and never do it again.
   Rotting in bed was actually making me want to do absolutely anything at this point, maybe even homework if I had some. However I don't so instead I'm going to make lunch, because we're hungry. Again. She is always hungry. I'm probably gonna spiral trying to lose all this baby weight. I know adjusting to my new body after this is going to take time.
   I made my way down to the kitchen with the intention of making some sort of sandwich, however as soon as I stood up I developed and ache in my back. "I can't wait for this to be over" I reiterated to myself as I made my way to the stairs.
   My attempts to make gentle steps down were slow but a shot of pain like nothing I've ever felt ran through my stomach. Panic started setting in, I'm only halfway down these stairs and something is wrong. Another wave of agonizing pain ran through my stomach causing me to lose the stability in my legs.  Nothing but our hand rail kept me from falling but unfortunately the force of the fall caused my phone to fall out of my pocket and down the stairs. "FUCK" I yelled at the start of another shock of pain. Oh god please don't be now. I should have bitten my words earlier.
    I could hear the faint sounds of him scurrying around the house trying to find me before making his way to the bottom of the stairs. I could see the panic on him seeing me in this state. "Thing, thank god. Use my phone and call mom." I ordered him to do. I forced my parents to have a phone for this very situation.
   He tapped away for a moment before I hear the sound of ringing and a moment later she answered with "Wednesday? My little viper? That is you right I don't know how to use this thing." My dad answered. Typical.
"Ah Gomez my love give that to me." My mom said before obviously pulling the phone out of his hand.
"I don't know how to use this either. But you're on the other end so what's wrong darling." She calmly said.
"I don't know mother but I need you to come home now." I replied
"Are you okay?" The distress in her voice becoming apparent.
"Ah! No I almost fell down the stairs and I can't pull myself up. I fear she may be coming early,please come back now." I cried out in pain again. God I need Xavier here. I thought to myself as well knowing he is several hours away from me right now.
"Thing I need you to call Xavier as well." I ordered.
  He tapped away, let it ring and then, nothing. "God Xavier you couldn't have picked a worse call to me miss!" I cried it through the pain of another potential contraction. Thing tried again but it was no use, no answer once again. he shifted his attention to running up the stairs in an attempt to comfort me until my parents got home.
    Fortunately it wasn't long before the burst through the door, rationally I know it was under 30 minutes but it felt like hours. My mother burst through the door first and ran straight to me.
"Oh my Wednesday. It's okay we're here now." My mom said in an attempt to comfort me.
"Does it hurt?" She asked while brushing my bangs off of my forehead.
"Yes but I don't mind the pain mother, I'm adjusting to it but i'm worried for her. It's early and I almost fell down the stairs. Xavier won't answer his phone." I panicked.
"Okay darling it's okay we'll go to the hospital now and your father can call Xavier. Or at least try to. He's still not good with the phone."
   And with that Lurch came up, swept me off my feet and drove us to the hospital. Leaving Pugsley home with Thing to wait for uncle Fester.

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