Ch 25

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I rushed to give him a hug before he could get upset with me. I didn't receive a hug back immediately however. I know he was exchanging looks with my mom. "My little girl. So young." He said sounding hurt for a moment.
"I know I'm sorry. Xavier loves me though and loves her, we'll be okay." I replied
"Oh and I'm getting a granddaughter so soon." He hugged be back finally. "This is a tough pill for any father to swallow."
"I know and I'm sorry, it wasn't planned it just happened." I told him.
"It's okay let's go back out there and have a chat with that boy though." He requested and we all went back out there together.
I met Xavier at his seat and greeted him with a hug, for the first time in front of everyone. My dad put a hand on Xavier's shoulder and whispered, "Welcome to the family young man, but take care of her, I'd make you regret if you ever hurt her or my grand baby." Or something along those lines.
"Wouldn't dream of it sir." He whispered back and kept me in the hug for a moment longer.
"So what did I miss?" Pugsley asked.
"Oh yeah, I'm pregnant." I told him bluntly.
"Oh okay cool. I think." He replied.
"Yes cool but don't do this to a girl at my age trust me." I replied.
"You think I'll have a girlfriend by your age?" He asked hopefully.
"No." I replied to my younger brother.
The air was different for the moments later, we avoided talking about it since we were still in public and it was an unspoken agreement that we don't talk about it for people to hear. Principal Weems made her way over to our table to greet my mother and father again, "Good afternoon Morticia and Gomez. Hope you're enjoying the day."
"Oh yes, our daughter is full of wonderful surprises as always." My mother joked.
"She certainly is a special student here. Oh and hello Mr. Thorpe." Weems greeted the man on my arm.
"Afternoon principal Weems." He greeted informally. She took a moment to look us up and down. "Well it's about time you two." She laughed and walked away. I didn't think I'd find that embarrassing but my face burned at the interaction. I wanted to bury my face in him shoulder but that was too much for right now.
"Seems like everyone saw it coming first didn't they." My mother commented.
"Yeah apparently they did, especially uncle Fester." I replied
"Fester has been here?" My father questioned
"Yes twice, he was here last year and a few weeks ago."
"Oh my dear brother I hope he didn't cause you trouble." My dad expressed.
"Well depends what you consider trouble. He actually figured out I was pregnant very quickly, I was running through the woods to get to Xavier's shed and he came out of nowhere and 'attacked me'. Unfortunately my skill could use some sharpening however and I didn't stick my landing when I tried to dodge him. He told me that I looked like mom when she was pregnant with me laying on the ground. Something about an attack on her that he and father saved her from." I finished summing up the story quickly.
"Oh he gave you a piece of that story, I'll finish it later." My mother said
"He's out of his mind but I miss that man." My father almost cried.
"I'll call you when I see him again then." I promised.
I want nothing more than these 'festivities' to end now. Im exhausted. Xavier's been spending time with my family and playing yard games with Pugsely, which I love seeing. I've been able to sneak away to Enid and fill her in on everything. "So we're making a secret potion with your mom later?" She asked
"Pretty much, yeah. Don't worry her and I used to do this all the time when I was younger." I replied.
"You had a weird childhood and it showed Wens."
"Thank you Enid." I let a smile creep onto my cheeks at the comment. I could tell our privacy was about to be invaded, from around the corner came Bianca. "Are you guys hiding from your moms too?" She asked.
"Yup." Enid replied
"No my mom and I have actually been getting along today but I still wanted to get away for a moment." I told her
"You Addams's are a very backwards bunch from the rest of us. You have a healthy family, parents that adore each other, supportive parents and a good sibling relationship. How'd you turn out so opposite?" Bianca asked.
"Interesting observation, not sure but I feel myself turning into my mother sometimes. I may not be as different from them as I seem." I replied.
"Interesting. My moms trying to ship me away again and use me for my siren song." She expressed. I really do pity the poor girl. I'd never use my daughter this way.
"We wouldn't let her take you if she tried." I replied to the surprise of Bianca.
"Well I'm glad you think that, I feel like we have a rocky relationship." She smiled at me. 'Only when you try to steal my boyfriend' I thought to myself.
"I tolerate you Bianca. You're useful to have around." Is what I actually said.
We made our way back to the quad to greet our families and take them to their room for the night. The rest of the weekend was going to be less eventful, aside from the potion making and the actual mother daughter talk we have to have now about the baby. Xavier and I have planned to go out to a real dinner for ourselves again and have some 'us' time for the first time all day.
"Alright Wens, the parents are put away. It's time for these parents to go get some real food." Xavier said referring to us.
"Yes please." I replied and went over for a hug.
We made our way out of the school and called a taxi to take us to our spot in Jericho, while talking dinner plans on the car Xavier got a call from his father...

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